Healed, Powerful, Authentic: What Does it Take to Achieve Them?

By Evelyn M Ryan

Well, certainly being healed, powerful and authentic do not take the same level of thinking that cause our wounds, powerlessness, and inauthenticity. Odd and sad, isn’t it, that we were taught this thinking that does not serve us by the same people who were responsible to keep us safe and protected? This is also the same thinking that as adults continues to cause us and our children the most harm. Let’s explore this.

We are born uncivilized, totally dependent on our care takers not only for food and shelter but also for love, emotional validation, and guidance to become functioning civilized adaptable humans, have healthy relationships and grow, learn, discover who we uniquely are, what we are worthy of becoming.

As we grow and interact with others inside and outside our homes, we learn more and apply what we learn through witnessing others, practice, trial and error, and making mistakes. We seek guidance from our parents, relatives, caretakers, coaches, friends and teachers. This is how we learn about ourselves, learn how to self-correct, care for ourselves, and use our emotions and compassion effectively. We collect evidence that validates us and motivates us to set goals that bring us value and support our health, joy, safety, and continued growth.

These abilities are worked for, earned and honed over time as we acquire more knowledge about ourselves from our good and bad experiences.

The knowledge acquired from one year of experience 30 times over, however, will not bring us the same value as 30 years of a broad-based variety of experiences. This is why we should always be clear on what we are worthy of achieving and never settle for less.

The choices we make on the depth and breadth of our experiences, then, fuel the level of the power and authenticity we potentially can achieve. That is a right of choice we all have and should be free to choose. Why is this so important?

These decisions can serve to add value and benefit and empower us or limit us, do us harm, and disempower us. Our opportunities afforded us and the choices we make, then, have a huge negative or positive impact on our growth, beliefs, character, lessons learned, decision-making, emotional health, relationships, personal power and resilience.

The more experiences and more variety of experiences we have, the more powerful we become.

The more powerful we become, the more able we are to make reliable decisions that bring us sustainable value and joy we know we are capable and worthy of achieving in spite of the effort it took and obstacles we faced to achieve them. We do not fear the unknown. We embrace it.

So to be powerful, we need to expand the depth and breadth of our experiences and work on our

  1. Ability to discern truth from lies, facts from fiction regardless of obstacles we face.
  2. Ability to use the facts to benefit ourselves and others regardless of obstacles we face.
  3. Knowledge of our worthiness of those benefits regardless of the obstacles we face.
  4. Coping skills, wisdom, and resilience to overcome the obstacles, bounce back from disappointments and allow a clear path for growth, joy, good health, healthy relationships and an overall healthy lifestyle.

What are the biggest obstacles we will face in our journeys?

Note: All of these are learned obstacles that limit our own abilities, skew our thinking, and make us vulnerable to emotional manipulators. They all, nevertheless, just like they were learned, can be unlearned.

  1. Unclear understanding of our personal rights and authorities and those of other’s.
  2. Believing lies exploitive people have taught us to believe to serve them.
  3. Believing we are powerless to our pain and blaming others for our problems, powerlessness, and fears.
  4. Learning to rely on others to relieve our pain and define our worth.
  5. Inability to use our compassion responsibly to benefit ourselves as well as others without doing ourselves harm.
  6. Inability to delay gratification.
  7. Inability to manage our own emotions effectively.
  8. Believing we are not worthy of better and
  9. Believing we must suffer to be lovable.



Twenty-one expert guest speakers will deliver amazing healing information and personal stories. The interviews are pure gold and worth having access to during your recovery journey. For a small personal investment, you can have unlimited access to the interviews. You can listen as many times as you like, where and whenever you like.

Sign up now at https://healingnarcissistictrauma.com/

Happy Holidays!

Dear Yourlifelifter Community Members,

Happy holidays and joyous blessings of the season.

Many thanks to all of you for your support in making our Yourlifelifter family a reality, and supporting our common mission of emotional healing, truth, compassion, respect, honor, and authentic love.

You, we, your children are all worth it.

Together we are making the world a better, happier, and healthier place for all. With your help, our family is spreading our healing message to millions across the world.

For me there is no better gift.

Thank you for making it all possible.

Blessings to you all.

Get ready for lots more in 2020!

Together we heal and thrive!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Evelyn Ryan, Founder


Photo by Public Domain Pictures on Pexels.com

Liars Liars Everywhere – How to Protect You and Your Children from Toxic Moochers

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

People lie to achieve a goal: “We lie if honesty won’t work,” says researcher Tim Levine. Well, lying is a very effective defense mechanism we humans use to, in a nutshell, get others to believe what we want and need them to believe to benefit ourselves. We all have different needs and compete for resources and must be creative on how we acquire what we need and want and, for some, what they believe they are entitled to.

Some lies are pretty harmless but dishonesty in the wrong hands can quickly get out of hand. Anyone whose identity has been stolen or has been a target of fraud including scammers, a lying job applicant, an incompetent boss, a narcissist posing as a healer, or an unfaithful boyfriend or girlfriend well knows the extent of the harm that pathological liars can inflict.

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Why Should We Care More than We Do

Lying is normal. So is wanting to trust someone. However, the ability to distinguish a lie from truth is not. These abilities need to be learned to be able to distinguish a fib from a lie, a lie from a bigger lie, a fake from a fraud, a potential loving mate from an emotional predator.

Studies show that about 45% of all lies are for self-promotion. And guess what? The numbers of self-promoters and those vulnerable to their lies are rising daily. Now more than ever our need to be able to separate truth from lies is being tested. While we have a natural desire to trust others, researchers are learning that social media is mucking with this ability as we are lie bombed and memed to death every day with fake information from frauds all for false self-promotion and to exploit others. We are becoming increasingly gullible and vulnerable and are increasingly believing lies even when we are presented with clear contradictory evidence.

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

We are surrounded daily by pathological liars as well as cheaters and gaslighters and professional con artists who bombard us with lies, manipulation, and deception. Before social media, we were not exposed to this very high level of toxicity but now we can be exposed 100’s and even 1000’s of times a day. Gosh, we even have narcissists who are posing as healers who continue to exploit and prey on their victims seeking recovery from the harm they inflicted.

Read more on Narcissists Posing as Healers

We can easily become confused in discerning truth from a fib, lie, fraud, or an attack from rings of Nigerian and Russian scam artists on dating sites and friending us on social media. Oh, the scam artists are slick and have infiltrated women’s support groups on social media where vulnerable people seeking help and solace expose tons of personal information on their emotional states and health of their relationships.

Yes. These are trying times where being gullible and exposing too much personal information can put you and your families at heightened risk to attack from toxic moochers who have no moral compass and who view other humans as prey.

What Can We Do to Protect Ourselves

Here are some simple effective tips and tools to consider that will keep you and your children safer and better protected from these predators.

1. Always and first and foremost remember the Time, Distance, and Shielding (TDS) Rule. Minimizing time with, maximizing distance from, and shielding yourself from anything toxic or potentially toxic will keep you out of harm’s way.

Learn more on how to identify and remove toxic people from your life.

2. Anything that appears too good to be true, 99.9% of the time is a lie, a distortion, to steal something from you to benefit someone else.

3. Less is more. Minimize your and your children’s time on social media. Less here is better and safer because it exposes you to less risk. Find a group or site that you know is well monitored and protected that will provide you a safe haven for you to share your voice and to heal, relate, and connect. Be careful especially of groups with tens of thousands and in some cases hundred of thousands of members that are harder to securely manage. Note that there is an added benefit as well from less impersonal connections that will tip the scales back in the favor of personal ones that are healthier choices to meet our needs for authentic personal human connection, love, meaning, purpose, acceptance, worthiness, and belonging.

4. DO NOT intentionally share intimate pictures and extreme personal details on your mental and physical state, sex life, body, private parts, medical conditions, level of suffering, home address, place of employment, financial status, and loneliness in public.

I have seen people on sites like Red Table Talk detail entire decades of personal history. Just my presence on the Page (I do not share personal information) has resulted in 2 to 5 Nigerian scammers with false identities friending me. Use even private messaging carefully and sparingly with trusted friends and Page, Site and Group owners. If you must, the much wiser and less risky option is to pose a question like. “does anyone have any advice on how to handle XYZ.”

5. Check out the group or site security protocols and if lacking, request it improve its criteria for identifying scammers posing as concerned group members. If unresponsive, leave the group or site.

6. BLOCK< BLOCK<BLOCK, REPORT and REPEAT WITH NO EXPLANATION. If someone sneaks under your scammer and liar radar, and they will, IMMEDIATELY BLOCK from your page or site. No explanations are required to anyone violating your personal boundaries or rules of mutual respect, respectful discourse, and trust that are normal human rights you do not have to defend to anyone. I would expect no less from anyone else who I treated disrespectfully or dishonorably and if I violated the site’s or group’s rules of engagement.

7. Work on your emotional health and learn to identify the signs of toxic people versus authentic ones. There are many more tips in this article that will help you to make wiser and safer choices that will not expose who to unnecessary harm from toxic moochers in your interactions on or off social media.

Get tips here on how to identify toxic moochers and authentic people.

Why Those Who Follow Narcissists Don’t Know Any Better?

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

Narcissism is now a world-wide pandemic.  Narcissists have infiltrated society for one primary reason. Their emotional food supply is abundant. And like any predatory animal, when the food supply is plentiful, the population of predators rise. And the world, I am sad to report, has accepted that it is perfectly fine for members of our species to prey on our own children and on our own kind to serve the depraved. Impersonal relationships facilitated by social media appear, at least in small part, to have fueled the fire.

Read more here on how traumatized children are now a public health crisis.

Being a parent, a politician, a psychologist, a President, a boss, a doctor, a surgeon or whatever does not exempt a person from being evil or having malintent. In fact, narcissism is now rampant in “good deed” communities like politics, the medical community, churches, and even fundraising organizations where many emotional manipulators can exist cloaked for years going unnoticed, while they abuse their authority and provide illusions of generosity and “goodness” and feed off the unlimited supply of power and energy of innocent but vulnerable members of the community while hiding true intentions of superiority, entitlement, domination, and self-righteousness.

Kathy Krajco, a formidable pioneer in educating the world on narcissism and narcissistic abuse, describes in What Makes Narcissists Tick how the “helping professions” that supply an abundance of vulnerable prey attract pathological narcissists and warns us about the serious problem narcissism poses in the public sector and private nonprofit institutions that use the do-gooder and moral elitist facade to cloak their true self-righteous intentions to not do good but to be “seen as doing good” and “show how good they are by pointing at someone else and telling them how bad they are.” Politics, she points out, “is an ideal arena for narcissists…the list of them who have conned whole nations to become dictators is breathtaking.” This is also what makes Democracies vulnerable to tyranny, traitors, demagogues who exploit the emotional weaknesses of the public to feed their depraved need for power.

Narcissists are even posing as healers on social media. What better people to target than the vulnerable wounded ones they harmed who admittedly need help and whom they continue to abuse and exploit “by proxy” by posing as a healers? What a novel idea, right? Well, it is not so novel. It may be pretty new to Facebook but narcissists infiltrated the medical and psychological professions a long long time ago like pedophiles infiltrated the priesthood.

“Why,” you may think, “would anyone do these horrible things?” The answer is simple. They want to direct our time, energy, money, and power to them. To do this effectively, they must get us to feel shame for meeting even our basic needs, and acting on our human rights, and not care for other folks and to fear or hate them instead. You may now think, “how can someone get another person to not care for themselves and others and to fear and hate them?”

Read more here on how to identify people in legitimate need versus real moochers.

Well, sadly, lots easier than you may think if you are vulnerable to lies and they get you to believe that the person you care about is an undeserving moocher, a threat to you, and convince you through lies, false threats, and character assassination that all of you are not worthy of better. More so, they get you to believe only they can save you from these fake threats, only they decide who is worthy of resources, only they can alleviate your fears and only they are worthy of your attention and adulation. How do they do this? Again the answer is pretty simple. They lie.

Narcissists Lie to Steal Power

Narcissists, bullies, psychopaths are pathological liars. (As a side note,  I would love to see their pants actually catch fire). Why? The answer again is simple! They have to be and want to be. It is just part of their natural and parasitic nature. They are just naturally wired for cheating, lying, exploiting, and betraying. They are what I refer to as “The Lacks.” They lack all it takes to be loyal, committed, honest, mutually respectful, influential, and caring that drive the health of all relationships and our peaceful co-existence with others. They also lack the compassion and ability to obligate in trust to other humans who, instead, in their disordered minds they believe they are entitled to exploit.

Learn more here about the natural but parasitic nature of narcissists.

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.

People lie to achieve a goal: “We lie if honesty won’t work,” says researcher Tim Levine. Well, lying is a very effective defense mechanism we humans use to, in a nutshell, get others to believe what we want and need them to believe to benefit ourselves. We all have different needs and compete for resources and must be creative on how we acquire what we need and want and, for pathological narcissists, what they believe they are entitled to.

“Narcissists, bullies, psychopaths and demagogues are pathological liars. (As a side note,  I do wish their pants would catch fire). Why? The answer again is simple! They have to be and want to be. It is just a part of their natural and parasitic nature.”

Narcissists intentionally and chronically lie for three primary reasons: to attract, distract, and manipulate power from their prey. They bomb us with lies and irrational beliefs to skew our perceptions of their power and worth and our own (male or female) and others’ personal power and worth. They frequently surround themselves with a posse of low-character “flying monkeys” who support them in the “lie bombing.” They target the primary beliefs that trigger our fears and shame related to our self-esteem, personal power, ability to delay personal gratification, lovability, and safety.  In short, these are the primary beliefs that support our personal joy, health, power, and happiness. So they lie pathologically to create doubt, confusion, uncertainty, and chaos so they can manipulate us more effectively. They are emotional moochers. This tactic like the old bait and switch is as old as the hills, but nevertheless, is very effective.

Convincing you that you or others in need are weak, of less value, or are a danger, a threat, are effective tactics to make you appear less believable, weak, and unworthy and therefore less human. And ultimately by getting you to believe the lies, they can more easily get you to abandon your natural desire to care for, empathize and help yourself and others. They manipulate you to believe that you and the vulnerable are not worthy of your basic rights to life, liberty, and happiness because you are “moochers” who are stealing from those more worthy when they, in reality, are the “moochers.” Remember The Wizard of Oz, nothing but smoke and mirrors controlled by a wizard you were instructed not to pay attention to? Well, while anecdotal, it is based in reality.

“Narcissists bomb us with lies and irrational beliefs to skew our perceptions of our own (male or female) and others’ personal power and worth. The frequently surround themselves with a posse of low-character “flying monkeys” who support them in the “lie bombing.” They target the primary beliefs that trigger our fears and shame related to our our self-esteem, personal power, and safety.  In short, these are the primary beliefs that support our personal joy, health, power, and happiness.”

Read more here on how to distinguish people in legitimate need from the real moochers.

Who are most Vulnerable to Narcissists’ Lies

The people most vulnerable to believing lies are the ones who have not learned:

  • To separate truth from lies. Instead they essentially were taught to believe everything someone who looks like and who acts like them says and thinks.
  • To critically think and research and even how to ask questions, probe and inquire.
  • To act on their curiosity, to explore and seek for answers and engage in probing dialogue internally with themselves or with others.
  • To source power internally and are dependent on others and not themselves to tell them what they think and do are true and worthy.
  • To delay gratification.
  • To use newfound knowledge and meaning to benefit themselves.


Refuting lies with data does not diminish their believability to these folks because they assess the evidence presented to them through a framework of preexisting tribal knowledge of beliefs and prejudices and fears they have been taught and rewarded not to question and perhaps punished for questioning. They live comfortably believing what they think is true with little tolerance and adaptability to challenges to those beliefs. They choose instead to live their lives pain- and fear-based, reactive, and vulnerable to anything that triggers or alleviates their discomfort. So if presented with proven documented information that doesn’t fit comfortably within their inflexible limits of tolerance, they will continue to accept and defend their belief and even aggressively attack the facts presented or their messenger if the facts are threatening enough. In essence, their fear overrides the motivation to use the new information to improve their beliefs and thinking that can help them override the fear and reliably make their lives better.

What Can We All Learn from This

There is a vital lesson for us to all learn.

We cannot ever take for granted what it takes to support order or forget the importance of the balance of power and integrity of character needed in key decision makers in government to ensure not only our personal health and happiness but also peace and harmony and futures of our families, communities, states, society, and world. And we must never forget that acquiring these takes plain hard work and authentic personal power that is earned not stolen. If you lack the ethics, integrity, resilience, compassion, beliefs and maturity of thought and consciousness on which Democracies are founded, the laws that enforce them will have no meaning to you but their power will. And if you study the history of Democracy, you well understand why all authoritarian narcissists are able to come into power. I explore this in much more detail in Terrorism, Politics, and the Pandemic of World-Wide NarcissismYou can also read more here on Plato’s views on tyranny and what threatens a Democracy.

What Can We Do as a Person, a People, a Nation

Well, there is lots we can do and lots we shouldn’t do. At the top of the “do not” list is to hunker down in shame or fear. At the top of the “do” list is to take actions and resist so we can take our power back and maximize the positive impact of the truly good and emotionally healthy people with integrity of character, intellect, and compassion and to stop promoting the evil component of society. So now more than ever it is critical to be intelligent in our choices and to not not let our fears and lack of information and state of our emotional health drive them. We must be vigilant and informed in all our choices and especially in whom we choose to love, associate with, trust, and choose as our lawmakers, senators, the head of state! We can work on improving our own emotional health. As we heal, our children will heal through us. The onus is on the United States government and on us as citizens to ensure we can confidently answer this question as it applies to all personnel running for key elected decision-making roles in government and especially those at the highest levels of government:

“Are these candidates competent and emotionally fit for duty and running an honest campaign from the heart, with authentic loyalty, integrity and duty to the greater good or are they knowingly and intentionally lying and making false promises to their constituents and exploiting their fears to win in order to abuse the authority of the position to benefit themselves?”

How do we achieve this? First, we must heal  and educate ourselves on narcissismAs we heal, our children will heal through us. They will develop the empathy, self-worth, self-reliance, and emotional intelligence required to succeed in life, work, and relationships and maximize their power to themselves and to the world. I provide tons of healing information, tools and resources in this Blog, the Yourlifelifter website and Facebook page, and in my book Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips and Tools for Abuse Survivors.

Read more here on how we can heal the world by healing ourselves.

Second, we must learn what authentic power really is and how it applies to all humans regardless of their sex, privilege, or appearance, the tactics emotional manipulators use to con our power from us to benefit them, and what makes us vulnerable to them.

Read more here on what personal power is and what it is not.

Third, we can stand up to and also stop voting diagnosed pathological narcissists into key political offices. We can be mindful and wise in our choices of those with the integrity of character and other qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities they have worked for and earned that support them being an effective world leader who are competent to make informed decisions based on what is best for others, the country, the world and not just themselves, profoundly weak people who cannot generate their own power and steal that of others.

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

Educating ourselves about narcissism will allow us easier to recognize them and assess the state of our own emotional health that makes us vulnerable to their manipulation. In this way, we can expose and defuse them. The U. S. government can also start screening the mental and emotional health, along with the financial and character integrity of anyone who is hired into a critical political position no different than what all high risk industries are, by law or ethics, required to do.

This is how we collectively heal and take our power back as people and as a nation and get us back on track to allow us equally and unhindered to act freely on our divine rights we collectively work for, deserve, and pay for to pursue life, liberty, and happiness

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity

How Narcissists Abuse and Exploit Pets

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter


I am a consummate animal lover. I am also an empath, an energy receiver with an overabundance of compassion, strong loyalty, and need to care and rescue others. I have had pets since I was a child, and like Dr. Doolittle, always have felt an emotional connection to them and at times, can even communicate with them. I cannot count how many just showed up on my doorstep and walked in and never left. I even followed my animal passion and interest with an emphasis in Zoology and animal behavior in my college studies.

The loss recently of my 15 year old dog Minnie, my baby girl, and the resulting grief we continue to experience in my family has been very tough, so painful. But I noticed that reporting that loss to some people in my life who have known me and Minnie for a long time and even cared for her seemed to illicit little to no emotional response. In fact, as I reminisced, I saw that same callousness several times before. Now I have experienced the losses and sicknesses of their pets as well and needless to say, I was distraught for both my friends and their pets.

Why? Why would our emotional responses be so vastly different. Now, as a narcissistic abuse recovery expert, I could render a pretty educated guess, but I decided to research this a bit more and this is what I discovered:

Narcissists not only exploit and abuse animals like they do humans, they creatively also use them as manipulation tools to further abuse you.


What Motivates Us to Love and Bond with Our Pets

Pets are common in over 60% of homes in the United States.  People in general prefer mammals and specifically dogs over cats. Dogs have been the most popular pet for a president to have during his time in the White House — 30 of the 44 presidents have had at least one dog in the West Wing and every President over the past 100 years except the most recent has had at least one dog. Others prefer larger pets or even exotic ones. Our pet preferences are as diverse as as we are and are driven, generally, by our age, religion, marital status, family size, home ownership status, financial, physical, and emotional health (e.g. some people are not physically able to have pets or a certain pet), our upbringing, cultural impacts, and even our personalities.

images-2The benefits our pets’ unconditional love, companionship, loyalty provide to our emotional and physical health have been documented too many times to mention. We in turn mutually provide those back to them. It is that mutual trust and loyalty that bonds us in the same way we are bonded in human relationships. Our beloved animals mirror back to us unconditionally the love we give to them. They rely on us like we them to care for us with no strings attached. In fact, some claim that animal lovers possess many of the qualities that make them the best relationship partners.

So while the types of pets we are attracted to differ, what bonds us to them and keeps us loyal to them do not. Being loyal requires not only the ability to commit in word or thought (e.g. invalidated promise) but the ability to act on and demonstrate the commitment promised (e.g. validate the promise).

What Makes Us Loyal?

We, when we acquire a pet, know we can deliver on the trust and loyalty we know reliably the pet will deliver to us. We know we are committed to each other in good times and bad, in sickness and health when our ability to act on that commitment of loyalty are challenged the most. When we do, we bond, trust, rely on and love each other. We make each other’s lives better. How many stories do we read about animals that return to their homes after being lost miles away and being gone for weeks and months. They know where home is.

Read more about why animal lovers possess many of the qualities that make them the best relationship partners.

images-1Beware of Narcissists Around Your Pets

Narcissists exploit pets in the same way they exploit humans. Narcissists are not choosy about whom or what they exploit. Remember, they are wired for abuse and betrayal. They are not wired for committed mutually respectful relationships of any kind.

What Makes Us Loyal?

Narcissists are energy vampires who cannot generate their own energy and target anyone and anything vulnerable that they can exploit. In fact they target and are attracted to empaths who frequently are animal lovers. Our loyal yet vulnerable companions like us can provide long-lasting supply for them. Now, the narcissist’s parasitic exploitation of pets may manifest differently but the motives are the same: to benefit at the pet’s expense without earning that benefit. So why, then, would their treatment of them be any less abusive or exploitive?

Doesn’t the fact that we own a pet indicate we love it? Isn’t that generally expected especially if you are a family man or woman with a spouse or partner who is a compassionate animal lover? This may seem reasonable on the surface except for one important fact: narcissists lack the compassion that enables humans to love and to be loyal. And both are needed in all healthy mutually beneficial relationships. Dr. George K. Simon, a preeminent expert on manipulative aggressive personalities and author of the best sellers In Sheep’s ClothingCharacter Disturbance, and The Judas Syndrome confirms that those with covert aggressive personalities like pathological narcissists lack the capacity to love because they lack empathy and the warning signs of such empathy deficits are in part in the attitudes they display toward obligation. Narcissists simply detest putting out effort that might, even, in part, benefit someone or something else.

What Makes Narcissists Tick?

The parts of the narcissistic brain, nevertheless, that plot and scheme work just fine so they have no issue using pets like humans to create an illusion of normalcy. That is until the camouflage slips and we see their true intent and the extent of their depravity in animal cruelty, puppy mills, dog and cock fighting, killing an animal when it is no longer of use, abandoning them, and neglecting their medical needs. They are so creative in their malevolence as to go so far to use the pets we love, just like their own children, as manipulation and gaslighting tools to facilitate their exploitation of us. So beware of narcissists around your pets in the same way you should around your children.

What Signs of Pet Abuse or Neglect Should We Look for

Dr. Stephanie A. Sarkis warns us in “Beware of Narcissists Around Your Pet” to watch for the following common but not so obvious ways narcissists abuse and neglect pets you love to further abuse and exploit you.

Note that many of these apply to your own children as well.

  1. They use the pet as a manipulation tactic to prevent you from leaving.
  2. They try to alienate you from your pet and get it to “love them more” to punish you, isolate, you and invalidate you. e.g. triangulation
  3. They demonize or adulate the pet and even discard it, neglect it or worse, kill it to elicit a response or behavior from you they seek.
  4. They lack tolerance for the animal’s slip ups.
  5. They physically abuse or torture the pet. I read a case of a narcissist using an animal he kept caged for sex and another where an aging chronically suffering animal was deliberately kept alive rather than compassionately euthanizing it.
  6. They sadistically taunt, tease or sabotage your pet and set it up to behave badly so they can laugh at it or get you to align with the narcissist and not the pet. e.g. gaslighting
  7. They “accidentally” let your pet escape so you focus your complete attention and adulation on the narcissist.
  8. They criticize how you care for your pet and do not adhere to your rules regarding your pet to emotionally abuse and invalidate you e.g, gaslight you.
  9. They will lie and tell you they miss the animal to manipulate their way back into your life. e.g. hoover back in.
  10. They will seek custody or visitation rights of the pet you love, to win and make you lose and to use it to character assassinate you by saying they had to rescue the animal because you were the one abusing the animal or are not competent to care for it.
  11. They create fake or real emergencies with the pet to get you to come home or stay home. e.g. gaslight you

images-3What Can We Do to Keep Our Pets Safe

Our pets will benefit from the same protective measures that humans benefit from and deserve.

First and foremost, if you witness or suspect any case of physical abuse or neglect towards an animal, immediately remove the animal from the scene, seek veterinary care, and report it to animal control.

Second, if a narcissist is using and abusing a pet to further manipulate, abuse, isolate, and overpower you, then for your and your pet’s sakes, seek immediate help to leave the toxic environment and get to a safe place for you both. Seek help from reputable narcissistic abuse recovery sources. If you are ever in danger or suspect danger, contact 911 or your local policy emergency immediately.

Remember the TDS rule!th-1

  1. Minimize your TIME with them;
  2. Maximize the DISTANCE between you and them; and
  3. Put SHIELDING or a barrier between you and them.

Assertively saying no and walking away to a safe place allow you to do all three, easily and effectively.

For more information on how to deal with toxic people read this article.

Lastly, do not ever leave a pet you love in the care or custody of someone you know or suspect is a narcissist or anyone for that matter who is not able to provide the care your pet needs and is worthy of. If you are not able to care for your pet, leave it in the safe and reliable care of a trusted friend or relative or reputable foster care or adoption agency until you are better able to care for your beloved pet who deserves the same unconditional loyalty, love, compassion it provides to you.

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

downloadI remember many years ago, early in my career, a colleague I babysat for and who was very happily married referred to his and his brother’s chronic infidelity as “the family curse.” I found out about his betrayal when he approached me for medical advice about symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. I was flabbergasted especially when he told me his wife and family were “the best” and most important thing in the world to him. I have been fascinated ever since by those who readily cheat and betray others and those who do not. So I started to explore during my own healing journey those qualities in people that would motivate them to betray a.k.a cheat and those that would prevent them from cheating a.k.a. be loyal. This is what I discovered about why cheaters cheat.images-1

Betrayal is Dependent on the Ability to Be Loyal

Betrayal and loyalty are dependent on the level of character and personal power that impact the ability to obligate and commit to another. Anyone can cheat and very easily. Betrayal takes no effort at all except to plot and scheme perhaps. Now, this applies to all forms of betrayal of relational trust including abuse, abandonment, cheating, fraud, lying, conning, manipulating, addictions, exploiting and benefitting at the expense of someone else. It even includes betraying and abandoning our own selves after the betrayers betray us such as in codependent relationships. To not cheat, to be loyal and faithful takes personal power, integrity of character, healthy self-worth. Why? What is the big deal? Why should we care? Well, you should care a lot because your life, relationships, happiness, self-worth, and those of your children depend on it.

Are you a loyal, committed, honest, obligated, trustworthy person? Well, I hope so because being one takes personal resilience, wisdom, and strength of character to not have to succumb to what is easy and may be gratifying in the short term, to know it will not sustain us in the long run, and to have the compassion and conscience it takes not to break the trust of someone we vowed not to or who trusts us. And it takes hard work to learn the difference and which one we and the ones who trust us are more worthy of. So being loyal requires not only the ability to commit in word or thought (e.g. invalidated promise) but the ability to act on and demonstrate the commitment promised (e.g. validate the promise). A promise is hollow and valueless until we deliver on that promise.

We, assuming we are emotionally healthy, believe we are agreeing to something we know we can deliver and are able to deliver and understand we are worthy of the same in return. This is why we have codes of ethics and oaths and vows where we commit in good times and bad, in sickness and health when our ability to act on that commitment of loyalty are challenged the most. We trust the other’s word based on what they say and faith that it aligns with their thoughts and actions and abilities. Hopefully, that is based on them earning that trust. Ah? Or so we thought.

Why Do Loyal People Trust the Untrustworthy

imagesThe strength of character that enables us to be loyal doesn’t come for free or have anything to do with how much money you have, or your looks, formal education, title, prestige, level of privilege. It is worked for and earned. The problem is that usually the most faithful people and the most loyal are also the ones with the higher level of compassion and lower levels of self-worth that make them vulnerable to emotional predators and pathological liars who are not able to source their power internally. So we think others have the same good intentions as we do and they have worked as hard as we have to develop the character strength to be loyal friends, lovers, spouses, family members and co-workers when in reality they have not! We expect enemies to betray, to intentionally want to inflict pain, not those we love and trust. What happens, then, when we are betrayed by someone who we not only trust but are driven by our love and loyalty to believe and protect and stand by when things get rough? This is typically how our reaction plays out.

Why Narcissists Lie and Why We Should Care More Than We Do

After the shock, disbelief, confusion as to why someone would do to me what “I would not do to them in a million years,” we typically blame ourselves. Sadly, the self-blame can turn into toxic shame. While we did nothing wrong except perhaps to rely on someone who is unreliable, we blame ourselves for the perpetrator’s lie(s), inability to commit, lack of compassion, unfaithfulness, treason, crimes, addictions.

Repetitive betrayals can cause trauma bonding and exaggerated fear of abandonment. We can stay too long in exploitive relationships and sabotage our own healing to avoid “betraying” even toxic people who are harming us. We can mistake trauma bonding caused by peptide addiction for love. We can even sabotage healthy relationships to avoid abandonment or betrayal that we fear more than the breakup. And for empaths whose lives have been filled with multiple losses and betrayals, healing challenges including learning the dynamics of healthy relationships can appear insurmountable when in reality they are not. Read more on the challenges of loss for empaths.

Learn more why and how people with too much compassion can be targeted by those with too little in Am I a Narcissist? – Being Narcissistic Versus Being a Narcissist

Why Do People Cheat When They Promise Not to

Cheating is an easy way to feel powerful, feed the ego of people who have nothing reliable in their tool kit of character traits, values, wisdom and coping and life skills to prevent them from cheating. Weakness in character, lack of moral compass, low self-worth, lower consciousness, lower resilience, lower levels of compassion, higher levels of narcissism and entitlement, and lower level of ability to delay gratification are the character traits that motivate a person to need more power, more immediate gratification and to seek out easy ways to achieve them at the expense of trust, family, vows, oaths to defend nations, society, lives, human rights, children, minorities, or whatever suits them. So weakness of character motivates a person to betray and facilitates the betrayal because they have no internal “brakes” to prevent them from cheating or exploiting. In essence, betrayers are wired for betraying.

Why Narcissists Lie and Why We Should Care More Than We Do

Dr. George K. Simon, a preeminent expert on manipulative aggressive personalities and author of the best sellers In Sheep’s ClothingCharacter Disturbance, and The Judas Syndrome confirms that those with covert aggressive personalities like pathological narcissists lack the capacity to love because they lack empathy and the warning signs of such empathy deficits are in part in the attitudes they display toward obligation. Narcissists simply detest putting out effort that might, even in part, benefit someone else.

Dr. Simon’s research confirms that narcissists can work very hard and can spend inordinate amounts time and energy working purely to get something they want such as another love interest that would benefit them. As many of us very well know, they can put in extraordinary efforts to groom and love bomb a potential mate or spouse or as we have seen in recent news, commit fraud to enter college or government. But putting the same amount of energy into a personal relationship, taking care of a sick family member, demonstrating the loyalty and consistency they promise are completely different matters and very unattractive enterprises to them. They want all the benefits of marriage, for example, without having to work for them or earn them! Dr. Simon emphasizes that narcissists resist working to become better human beings more than any other kind of work. So even when it comes to respect and love and admiration or even college admittance and educating themselves, they want to come by them in the same manner as everything else  –  without having to earn them. And guess what folks? How do we build integrity of character? Competence? Problem solving?   You got it! By earning it through hard work to set goals, make a plan to achieve them, critically thinking, being successful, and learning lessons through mistakes we make along the way. If we don’t, we do not develop those human qualities that allow us to love, grow, and to integrate normally into society. We essentially remain stunted in our growth, rely parasitically on others, exploit resources, and spend our energy manipulating power and resources from others without returning the value.

Learn more why and how people with too much compassion can be targeted by those with too little in Am I a Narcissist? – Being Narcissistic Versus Being a Narcissist

Can the Betrayers and Those They Betray Heal

Can those who have been betrayed learn to heal, release the shame, grieve the loss, and improve the health of their relationships to benefit themselves? Of course. Remember? They are the ones with resilience and authentic power, the ones with the inner strength to be loyal and faithful, true to their commitment of trust, and have no need to cheat.

Can the betrayers heal? Not my call. No one knows. However, this I do know. Once a serial betrayer, forever a serial betrayer. And there is no cure for pathological narcissism. The more severe the betrayal and the more serious the level of weakness in character of the perpetrator, the more likely any promises and bit of perceived improvement will be faked, temporary, and unsustainable. Remember, the parts of their brains that plot and scheme and lie work perfectly fine. It is the parts that would prevent them from cheating, have remorse, and learn from their mistakes that don’t.

Am I a Narcissist? – Being Narcissistic Versus Being a Narcissist

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

imgres-3No doubt that narcissism is a hot topic with we all being such a self-centered lot on top of the pandemic of pathological narcissists wreaking havoc in government and even those posing as healers on social media to support their parasitic need for adulation even from the victims they victimized.  So we not only have lots of them we deal with daily but experience the damage they cause as well.

Terrorism, Politics, and the Pandemic of World-Wide Narcissism

This inundation of life across the globe by both has led to much confusion that I see in the 1000’s of blogs and threads I read weekly! One of the most frequent and popular questions I see and receive is from victims of narcissistic abuse asking if they are the narcissist! I have tons of articles in the Blog and 1000’s of posts at Yourlifelifter that break this subject down. I will summarize them here for those needing clarity and for newbies searching for answers on the differences between being narcissistic and being a Pathological Narcissist.

Am I The Narcissist?

Being Narcissistic is a Human Trait

Narcissism like compassion is a normal human characteristic that falls on a spectrum however, like most things, too much or too little of either can cause issues. We see the consequences of both more so in our vested relationships with ourselves and others and in our own degree and comfort with self-worth and self-care. Since our relationships are core to our self-worth and our happiness, the degree of our narcissism and compassion can seriously impact both. Too much or too little compassion can imbalance power in relationships, hinder management of personal boundaries, and put healthy mutually respectful interactions at risk.

What Impacts Does Too Much Compassion Have

Caring too much can motivate us to rescue others we believe need help even those who don’t need or want rescuing. It can cause us to give too much, become a people pleaser and to neglect our needs over the needs of others where we put greater value than our own worth. We become vulnerable to anyone or anything that triggers that overabundance of compassion and need for validation of our worth. We are vulnerable to codependency we learn from being exploited as children. Having too much compassion (that we commonly see in empaths) can make us vulnerable to those who will intentionally exploit our compassion with no intention of returning the benefit. Giving too much and not being validated for that effort can lead to emotional fatigue and depression and even trauma.

Codependency Does Not Cause Abuse

People, with too much compassion, however, as Dr. Kristin Neff demonstrates in her studies, can learn self-care and how to use their compassion responsibly and to treat themselves mindfully with more kindness especially when they are in pain. They can heal the wounds that caused these faulty beliefs and unhealthy behaviors. They can learn internal boundaries that allow them to monitor and show compassion in ways that will promote their emotional health and self-worth.

Too little compassion, on the other hand, that we see in highly narcissistic people, and worse, in many personality disorders, makes us dependent on others as well but for totally different and more nefarious reasons. Healing for some is not possible.

What Impacts Does Too Little Compassion Have

Like in those with too much compassion, we see the biggest impacts from low levels of compassion on the health of relationships. The narcissistically disordered with very low to non-existent compassion have no internal brakes that would motivate them to respect other’s needs or wishes or boundaries and that would prevent them from mooching and using others to service their needs at their expense. They also have little to no motivation to return the favor. Other people become essentially their “prey.” They become masters at identifying emotions in others and how to trigger them to direct other’s power for their personal benefit but are not able with compassion to recognize those same emotions in themselves. They, in fact, as the McGregor studies show, target empaths with too much compassion who they have learned are the most vulnerable to their manipulation tactics. Interestingly enough, narcissists themselves are very easily manipulated and can target other narcissists.

Do Narcissists Target Other Narcissists?

They also use others with lower levels of compassion (but not pathologically low) who Dr. Jane McGregor refers as “apaths” to help them in their attacks. We in the narcissistic abuse recovery community refer to them as “flying monkeys.” These apaths have enough compassion to prevent them from an all out premeditated stealthy attack on another, but not enough to put another’s safety or needs ahead of their own especially when doing so would disturb them or upset them, cost them, or make them appear less acceptable to the audience, group, family, job, etc. Apaths have brakes, just faulty selective ones.

Understanding Why Narcissists Targeted You is Fundamental to Healing

Narcissistic Harm by Proxy

What Causes Us to Have Too Little or Too Much Compassion

As discussed earlier, empaths with too much compassion learn to give it away freely in exploitive childhoods where their emotional needs were not met in healthy ways. While the brains of those with too much compassion and moderate levels can rewire and they can learn to fix their skewed beliefs and use their compassion more responsibly to improve their emotional and relational health, those with pathologically low levels cannot.

Empathy: Is It a Gift or a Curse?

Experts believe the roots of pathological narcissism, the clinically disordered are genetic and triggered by events in early childhood that permanently arrest development and cannot be reversed. In short, pathological narcissists, essentially remain dependent on other people to survive and cannot ever fend for themselves. They know what they do and simply do not care, because they are not able to. There is no cure. Some refer to it as “living hell.” Read more in the articles below:

What is Pathological Narcissism?

What Causes Malignant Narcissism?

Can Malignant Narcissism Be Cured?

Why are So Many Politicians Pathological Narcissists and What Can We Do About it?

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“Criminals, parasites, incompetents, and predators running for public office cannot announce to their targeted hosts and prey their true intent can they? What do they like all predatory and parasitic animals do? They use camouflage to mask their true intent. The truly evil members of the human race know what makes people of character work and how our fears work. They learn to read their emotional responses and manipulate their conscientiousness, compassion, and fears to direct their votes, loyalty, time, energy, and money they work for and earn to them.”

Narcissism is now a world-wide pandemic.  It has infiltrated all aspects or our lives and is particularly rampant in “good deed” communities like politics, the medical community, churches, and even fundraising organizations where many emotional manipulators can exist for years going unnoticed, providing illusions of generosity and “goodness” and feeding off the unlimited supply of power and energy of innocent members of the community while hiding true intentions of superiority and self-righteousness.

Read more here on narcissists posing as healers.

Read more on what to look out for in narcissists posing as “do-gooders.”

Kathy Krajco, a formidable pioneer in educating the world on narcissism and narcissistic abuse, warns us in What Makes Narcissists Tick about the serious problem narcissism poses in the public sector and private nonprofit institutions that use the do-gooder and moral elitist facade to cloak their true self-righteous intentions to not do good but to be “seen as doing good” and “show how good they are by pointing at someone else and telling them how bad they are.” Politics, she points out, “is an ideal arena for narcissists…the list of them who have conned whole nations to become dictators is breathtaking.”

Why Pathological Narcissism is on the Rise

Narcissists and psychopaths, who are disordered aggressive human predators, have infiltrated society for one primary reason. Their emotional food supply is abundant. And like any predatory animal, when the food supply is plentiful, the population of predators rise.

We are a world in crisis because we have not improved our wounded faulty thinking. Because we as a collective have not healed and have not effectively battled the evil component of humanity and society who we continue to birth, promote, be exploited by, vote for in key decision-making positions, and allow to promulgate.

And the world, I am sad to report, has accepted that it is perfectly fine for members of our species to prey on our own children and on our own kind to serve the depraved. Impersonal relationships facilitated by social media appear to, at least in small part, have fueled the fire.

Corrupt Political Parties are Nothing More than Dysfunctional Families

Dictators manipulating their ways into power or foreign governments manipulating elections in other countries to their favor, like cults, supremacist groups, and terrorist organizations, are nothing more than an exaggerated form of a dysfunctional “family” filled with narcissists and codependent adults with unhealed childhood wounds and predatory group think that has gone haywire. Pathologically narcissistic and psychopathic “terrorists” recruit other vulnerable pain-addicted emotionally unhealthy individuals who like abused codependent children in families suffer from low self-worth and have not been taught to self-soothe, source their personal power, and to regulate their pain-based emotions.

Read more here on the similarities between corrupt governments and dysfunctional families.

Narcissists use other narcissists and the apathetic as proxies to steal power from others that they cannot and do not want to supply to their character deficient selves. It doesn’t matter if the group is a terrorist cell or the decision making body in a major world power. These are the same maladaptive practices we see in dysfunctional families who recruit other narcissists in their dirty dealings and prey on the scapegoats (e.g. the U.S. and other democratic countries and anti-narcissistic thinking innocent righteous hard-working individuals) who in many cases are empaths, kind, generous individuals who are vulnerable to codependency or as we have seen in the most recent Presidential election in the United States, the media simply doing their jobs or fearful concerned citizens voicing an opinion on Twitter. See this inspiring video of CNN’s chief international correspondent, Christiane Amanpour’s acceptance speech for receiving the Burton Benjamin Memorial Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists for “extraordinary and sustained achievement in the cause of press freedom.” Her acceptance speech was an inspiring appeal to “recommit to robust, fact-based reporting” in the Age of Trump.

Read more on whom narcissists target and why. 

This is the same tribal “group think” that exists to keep the group, political party, dictatorship, cult, thieving company, church, family unit, villages of our ancestors intact but that also supports honor killing, genocide, genital mutilation, racism, misogyny, homophobia, shunning, protecting child molesters and rapists, and even “building walls to keep Hispanics out” and does not respect or honor an individual’s right to free will. In fact, they punish, shun, character assassinate, jail, and even annihilate individuals for attempting to do so.

Read more on dysfunctional families and intergenerational abuse.

How Narcissists Get Us to Direct Our Power to Them

There is immense accuracy to the old adage that “the devil comes cloaked as everything you ever wanted.” Now, criminals, parasites, and predators running for public office cannot announce to their targeted hosts and prey their true intent can they? What do they like all predatory and parasitic animal do? Of course, they use camouflage to mask their true intent. The truly evil members of the human race know what makes people tick. They learn to read their emotional responses and manipulate their conscientiousness, compassion, and fears to direct their time, energy, and money to them.

So narcissists have added faked wealth, competence, title, power (e.g. covert or overt aggressiveness), jobs, sex, love, political position, level of stature or whatever works to their toolkit of manipulation tactics. Why? Again, the answer is simple. They are disordered, their thinking is distorted, they think they are entitled, and they permanently lack the compassion and integrity of character that would stop a normal adaptive human being from engaging in this depravity and malevolence. This is a good point to stop and explore what personal power really is and what it’s not.

What is Power and What It’s Not personalpower

Would you let the hospital janitor perform your heart surgery? Would you let a nurse perform your heart surgery? I hope not. Well, the same principles apply to anyone in a position of authority in government whose decisions and competence level can have life or death impacts on the public. This is also why education, qualifications, emotional fitness, credibility, reliability, loyalty, criminal history, communications, experience, and character traits like compassion and conscientiousness are so important to effectively completing any high risk/ high consequence job. Those of us who have dedicated our lives to maintain this high level of competency in support of our service to the public are very well aware of this. We are clear on personal power, competence and worth and have worked our back ends off to achieve a level of excellence our work and the public deserves. However, sadly, many others are not. This is why. They believe lies about what power really is. Let’s be clear here.

  • Aggression is not power.
  • Triggering pain and fear is not power.
  • Exploitation is not power.
  • Money is not power.
  • Being born into privilege does not make us powerful.
  • Entitlement is not power.

Then why do so many of us believe this?

Most of us have been conditioned to believe personal power is associated with privilege, personal strength, size, sex, beauty, brains, status quo, prestige, instant gratification, the level of attention we get, and with those we fear either on a conscious or unconscious level. Nothing could be farther from reality. While all these things may look good on the outside and be appealing, anything too good to be true usually is. Beware of glitter folks. This is all B.S. we have been brainwashed to believe in our youth and that is reinforced in all aspects of our adult lives that have a profound affect on our beliefs on our personal worth, value, lovability, pain-based emotions and our powerlessness and defenselessness.

“We can perceive those with authentic power who can actually help us as threats because they challenge our pain-based ego-driven beliefs that while faulty we are comfortable with and settled for. We unknowingly become vulnerable to emotional vampires and do not live to our true potential.”

We then live and create in life what we believe to be true or valuable based on lies and false fears. As a result, we routinely give up our power or witness others giving up their power to good actors who use aggression, manipulation, money or privilege overtly or covertly to trigger our fears and powerlessness. We believe falsely that anything that relieves our pain is value-adding. And more significantly, we can perceive those with authentic power who can actually help us as threats because they challenge our pain-based ego-driven beliefs that while faulty we are comfortable with and settled for. We unknowingly become vulnerable to emotional vampires and do not live to our true potential.

Read more here on how emotional manipulators use your fears to con you to steal your power.

So, is acting powerful? Are lies powerful? Is manipulation powerful? They may gratify you temporarily if you pay to be entertained by them. They may be impactful in the long run if they trigger fears you believe you are powerless and defenseless to and only they can alleviate. That, folks, is not power. It is abusive exploitation of power from the vulnerable, the wounded. Anything truly powerful does not have to act, lie, manipulate, or exploit. Why? It has no need to. Compassionate people, don’t forget, would focus on protecting the vulnerable, the sick, and anyone in need, not exploit them for their personal gain.

Read more here on what makes narcissists self-righteous and manipulati

“Anything truly powerful does not have to act, lie, manipulate, or exploit. Why? It has no need to.”

Narcissists are Parasites by Nature

We all have to work to become humans of excellence, humans of integrity. No one based on their level of privilege, label, title, looks, authority, sex, or role is exempt from this basic rule of humanity. There is no other way. The level of our integrity of character including our empathy and moral compass help us create authentic value and reap the benefits from the value we create and willfully share with others, not steal value from others we use to benefit ourselves. It simply doesn’t work that way. It is irrational to think otherwise.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity

We, nevertheless, are social beings and cannot accomplish this in a vacuum. So normal functioning people work to use their experiences to develop the lessons, knowledge, skills, competence they use to create value in their lives, relationships, work, community, and in the world. This is real power that we project out to others. This is how we all become humans of excellence and accomplish goals we are worthy of. We earn them! And we openly share that value at will with others we choose to share it with and they with us.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity

If you are not aware of this, then immediately please bring this into you level of consciousness. Because if you do not, you will remain vulnerable to pathological narcissistic politicians, con artists, psychopaths, bullies, love interests, and abusers who prey on those with the lack of knowledge of their real worth and power and personal authority.

Read more here on how narcissists target and exploit empaths.

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.


Narcissists are wired for mooching and betrayal. They permanently lack normal functioning abilities that motivate humans to work and earn these benefits and that would prevent them from conning and stealing these from anyone vulnerable to their manipulation tactics and, in particular, empaths. This is why they despise laws, courts, accountability, scrutiny, regulations, oversight and literally anything or anyone that will prevent them from exploiting or that expose them for who they really are, the weakest humans with lowest of integrity of character. They are disordered individuals who have become human parasites, permanent moochers, cheaters, who prey on the benefits others work for and have earned. They are forever unable to fend for themselves or sustain their own happiness.

Learn more about the natural but parasitic nature of narcissists.

Learn more about why cheaters cheat?


Beware of glitter, folks! Turds can’t be polished. They can be rolled in glitter but never lose their stench. Truth, on the other hand, is like gold. It may tarnish but can be polished and never loses it value or brilliance.

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.

Narcissistic Politicians Lie Consistently to Con You

Pathological narcissists who are rampant in politics are pathological liars. (As a side note,  I would love to see their pants actually catch fire). Why? The answer again is simple! They have to be and want to be. It is just part of their natural but parasitic nature.

Learn more here about the natural but parasitic nature of narcissists.

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.

“Pathological narcissists, who are rampant in politics are pathological liars. (As a side note,  I do wish their pants would catch fire). Why? The answer again is simple! They have to be and want to be. It is just a part of their natural and parasitic nature.”

Narcissistic politicians and candidates who cannot and do not want to work to develop character and competence covertly or overtly yet aggressively con the vulnerable in the public to ignore their basic instincts, core beliefs, and sense of reason and decency. They routinely engage in “crazy making” to distract you from the facts and invalidate your “authentic emotions” so you will forget that in a democratic republic, we all, regardless of our differences, have a right to achieve life, liberty, happiness and to our own opinions regardless of our beliefs, state of our emotional health or level of comfort in the state of affairs. Of course, no one likes rules or laws or regulations but we know they exist to provide limits that, in the short or long term, protect us from harm, create order, and prevent chaos and keep us all on the up and up.

“They routinely engage in ‘crazy making’ to distract you from the facts and invalidate your ‘authentic emotions’ so you will forget that in a democratic republic, we all, regardless of our differences, have a right to achieve life, liberty, happiness and to our own opinions regardless of our beliefs, state of our emotional health or level of comfort in the state of affairs.”


Narcissists try to stealthily convince you that people in legitimate need are “moochers.” They want us to forget the vulnerable among us like the sick, those prejudiced against, abuse victims, minorities, and the elderly need our help and it is our civic duty to help them. These are conditions all humans face that can prevent us from acting on our basic rights and meeting our basic needs. “Why,” you may think, “would anyone do these horrible things?” The answer is simple. They are disordered and want to direct our time, energy, money, and power to them. To do this effectively, they must get us to not care for other folks and to fear or hate them instead. You may now think, “how can someone get another person to not care for another, to fear and hate them?”

Read more here on how to identify people in legitimate need versus real moochers.

Well, sadly, lots easier than you may think if they get you to believe that the person even those of the same sex and those you care about are a threat to you, and convince you through lies and character assassination that he or she is not worthy of your compassion. More so, they get you to believe only they can save you from these fake threats and alleviate your fears and only they are worthy of your attention and adulation. How do they do this? Again the answer is pretty simple.

They lie. Narcissists bomb us with lies and irrational beliefs to skew our perceptions of our own (male or female) and others’ personal power and worth. They frequently surround themselves with a posse of low-character “flying monkeys” who support them in the “lie bombing.” They target the primary beliefs that trigger our fears and shame related to our self-esteem, personal power, and safety.  In short, these are the primary beliefs that support our personal joy, health, power, and happiness.

So they lie pathologically to create doubt, confusion, uncertainty, and chaos so they can manipulate us more effectively. They are emotional moochers. This tactic like the old bait and switch is as old as the hills, but nevertheless, is very effective. Convincing you that you or others in need are weak, of less value, or are a danger, a threat, makes us seem less believable, weak, and unworthy and therefore less human. Like I always say if women had no power why are so many trying to convince us we have none and trying to take our rights away? And ultimately by getting you to believe the lies, they can more readily get you to abandon your natural desire to care for, empathize and help yourself and others who legitimately are in need. They manipulate you to believe that you and the vulnerable are not worthy of your basic rights to life, liberty, and happiness because you are “moochers” who are stealing from those more worthy. Remember The Wizard of Oz? The all power Oz turned out to be nothing but a bunch of distracting smoke and mirrors directing you to pay no attention to the man behind the mirror exposed by a scruffy dog. The Wizard was a narcissist. This, remember, are common tactics of all pathological narcissists who routinely exploit the vulnerable and abusing their power.

“Narcissists bomb us with lies and irrational beliefs to skew our perceptions of our own (male or female) and others’ personal power and worth. The frequently surround themselves with a posse of low-character “flying monkeys” who support them in the “lie bombing.” They target the primary beliefs that trigger our fears and shame related to our our self-esteem, personal power, and safety.  In short, these are the primary beliefs that support our personal joy, health, power, and happiness.”

Read more here on how to distinguish people in legitimate need from the real moochers.

All Humans Have Basic Needs for Survival


We must not forget that we all have basic needs for survival regardless of our level of privilege, status, and title. These include, food, love, shelter, safety, self-actualization (achieving your potential, happiness). To meet these needs, sometimes we give and sometimes we take because our living conditions change. Bad things happen to good people, right? Nothing is ever static. So “mooching” clearly is part of the human condition and part of all relationships and our existence as individuals and as a society since we exist as a nation (and no longer live in tribes and a feudal system).

No one is immune, poor or rich, privileged or not from “mooching.” Some of us because of disabilities or hardships may have to legitimately mooch more than others because we are not able to create, generate or return the resources we need to support our basic needs. Narcissists, however, do not mooch legitimately. They are intentional emotional moochers who want us to forget that those in a civil ordered ethically-based compassionate society take care of each other and that we have laws that protect our rights and the rights of the vulnerable to help us maintain order from chaos. We also have our own personal standards, ethics and morals we live by they want us to forget. They, instead, deliberately divide us and create chaos to imbalance power so they can more easily steal our power from us.

Disparities in character and emotional fitness can cause power imbalance in any abusive family, organization, government, political party, employer, relationship where the members use their authority to exploit the rights of the vulnerable to benefit themselves. These abusers, then, stealthily interfere with our rights to life, liberty, and happiness by intentionally exploiting resources and opportunities that allow us to act on those rights. Governments, for example, use political authority to get our support or votes;  in employment, job status and authority to keep us sub-servant; and in families, love and acceptance to abuse us. All test and demonstrate the value added from integrity of character and the level of emotional fitness of all participating members, givers and takers alike.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity

Read more here on how narcissists target and exploit empaths.

There is a vital lesson for us to all learn here!

We cannot ever take for granted what it takes to support order or forget the importance of the balance of power and integrity of character in ensuring not only our personal health and happiness but also peace and harmony in our families, communities, states, and society. And we must never forget that acquiring these takes plain hard work.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity

“We cannot ever take for granted what it takes to support order or forget the importance of the balance of power and integrity of character in ensuring not only our personal health and happiness but also peace and harmony in our families, communities, states, and society. And we must never forget that acquiring these takes plain hard work.”

What Can We Do as a Person, a People, a Nation

Well, there is lots we can do and lots we shouldn’t do. At the top of the “do not” list is to hunker down in shame or fear. At the top of the “do” list is to take actions and resist so we can take our power back and maximize the positive impact of the truly good and emotionally healthy people with integrity of character, intellect, and compassion and to stop promoting the evil component of society. So now more than ever it is critical to be intelligent in our choices and to not not let our fears and lack of information and state of our emotional health drive them. We must be vigilant and informed in all our choices and especially in whom we choose to love, associate with, trust, and choose as our lawmakers, senators, the head of state! We can work on improving our own emotional health. As we heal, our children will heal through us. The onus is on the United States government and on us as citizens to ensure we can confidently answer this question as it applies to all personnel running for key elected decision-making roles in government and especially those at the highest levels of government:

“Are these candidates competent and emotionally fit for duty and running an honest campaign from the heart and with authentic duty to the greater good or are they knowingly and intentionally lying and making false promises to their constituents and exploiting their fears to win in order to abuse the authority of the position to benefit themselves?”

How do we achieve this? First,  we must heal  and educate ourselves on narcissismAs we heal, our children will heal through us. They will develop the empathy, self-worth, self-reliance, and emotional intelligence required to succeed in life, work, and relationships and maximize their power to themselves and to the world. I provide tons of healing information, tools and resources in this Blog, the Yourlifelifter website and Facebook page, and in my book Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips and Tools for Abuse Survivors.

Read more here on how we can heal the world by healing ourselves.

Second, we must learn what authentic power really is and how it applies to all humans regardless of their sex, privilege, or appearance, the tactics emotional manipulators use to con our power from us to benefit them, and what makes us vulnerable to them.

Read more here on what personal power is and what it is not.

Third, we can stand up to and also stop voting diagnosed pathological narcissists into key political offices. We can be mindful and wise in our choices of those with the integrity of character and other qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities they have worked for and earned that support them being an effective world leader and who are competent to make informed decisions based on what is best for others, the country, the world and not just themselves, profoundly weak people who cannot generate their own power and steal that of others. Educating ourselves about narcissism will allow us easier to recognize them and assess the state of our own emotional health that makes us vulnerable to their manipulation. In this way, we can expose and defuse them. The U. S.  government can also start screening the mental and emotional health, along with the financial and character integrity of anyone who is hired into a critical political position no different than what all high risk industries are, by law or ethics, required to do. This is how we collectively heal and take our power back as people and as a nation and get us back on track to allow us equally and unhindered to act freely on our divine rights we collectively work for and pay for to pursue life, liberty, and happiness

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity


The Unique Challenges of Healing and Loss for Empaths

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

I am an empath, always was and will be. I have learned through my hard work and over 20 years of study (thanks to the profound work of Dr. Judith Orloff) and from feedback from so many in the Yourlifelifter community that being one comes with many benefits and challenges as well. However, recently I learned through great pain about a challenge that may not be so obvious to empaths who are seeking emotional healing: Dealing with loss.

Healing, in general, involves loss of what is unhealthy and does not serve us in the long term but nevertheless, may have supported our safety and security in the shorter term.  And change, folks, of any kind is in the best case, uncomfortable, and in the worse case, painful. So anyone on a healing journey not only has to grieve the losses but also must build coping skills for new and unfamiliar discomforts that he or she will face along the way. It takes time and effort to replace the old beliefs and skills with new ones we can comfortably rely on. For empaths, however, who are natural rescuers, emotionally sensitive, prone to codependency, and have an overabundance of compassion, overcoming losses can be excruciating and daunting.  Let’s explore more how and why loss can pose unique healing challenges to empaths.

Learn more about being an empath in “Empathy: Is it a Gift or a Curse?” 

Why Loss is So Challenging for Empaths

Empaths are natural energy receivers and have physically sensitive makeups and can “feel” emotions more intensely than others. We are born with an overabundance of compassion and emotional intelligence and can easily become emotionally fatigued. Empaths are also natural rescuers and have innate desires to help those in need. We are conscientious and loyal with a strong moral compass. We can falsely believe it is our divine purpose to help, rescue and even fix others.

Learn more here on how emotions can become toxic in abuse survivors.

As I discuss in Understanding Why Narcissists Targeted You is Fundamental to Healing, empaths’ inability to see the “bad” in others significantly enhances their vulnerability to attacks from emotional vampires. As a result, empaths can be targeted easily throughout their lives by energy vampires such as scapegoaters, bullies, narcissists, abusers, exploiters, and sociopaths who enlist other uncompassionate and apathetic people in their wrong-doing. Kim Saeed, a renowned narcissistic abuse recovery expert also notes that empaths have a track record of developing codependent behaviors in childhood to deal with the overwhelming unfairness in the world and to please others, which they usually carry into their adult relationships. Empaths who were abused as children can develop exaggerated codependency issues and dependence on others to define their worth. The consequences?

By the time adult empaths decide to heal, they usually have to heal and grieve from multiple codependent relationships and doses of betrayal accompanied by very high levels of toxic shame and self-loathing and exaggerated feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness. Repetitive betrayals can trigger exaggerated fear of abandonment. Healing that requires self-care and eliminating harmful people and behaviors can trigger intense pain, shame, and unworthiness. Losses, then, of any kind can trigger traumatizing toxic grief. We can unknowingly sabotage healthy relationships because we believe we can handle being alone better than dealing with the pain of losing a loved one. We can also sabotage our own healing to avoid “betraying” toxic people who are harming us. And for empaths whose lives, like mine, has been filled with multiple losses and betrayals, healing challenges can appear insurmountable when in reality they are not. 

15493738_1256134231092120_8754597625218914669_oHow Do Empaths Deal with the Unique Challenges of Healing from Abuse

Focusing on self-care, acceptance, and truth are especially paramount to healing for empaths. Effective healing requires a clear understanding of our unique worth as empaths that will facilitate reconciliation and a recalibration of our wounded thinking and conflicting beliefs as they relate to loss, forgiveness, unrequited love, and our lovability and pain and suffering.

“Effectively healing requires a clear understanding of our unique worth as empaths in order to facilitate reconciliation and a recalibration of our wounded thinking and conflicting beliefs as they relate to loss, forgiveness, unrequited love, and our lovability and pain and suffering.”

Remember, folks, most of us, intentionally or not, were raised to believe we are the source of and are powerless to our pain and our purpose is to serve, rescue and alleviate the pain of others. Most of us were rewarded for serving others and punished for or not taught to address or manage our unique emotional needs. So we, unwillingly, became dependent on others who trigger our pain to define our worth and alleviate our pain. We were conditioned to believe, falsely, then that we must suffer to be lovable. To heal, we must accept without reservation that these were lies and have nothing to do with our personal value or power or our lovability. In fact, we were targeted because of the value and magnitude of our personal power not in spite of them.

And those folks and loved ones we lost and who betrayed us? Well, they, good or bad, undeniably helped us become who we are. Our parents or caretakers who did not know better should have taught us to manage our emotions and build healthy relationships and care for ourselves including dealing with loss. Most, instead, exploited our compassion and directed us to use it to serve their own needs to alleviate their unhealed pain they transferred to us. 

FB_IMG_1524416565566The good news? We can heal and take our power back. When we know better and that we are worthy of that knowledge, we do better. We can use the pain these experiences created to motivate us to enhance our emotional intelligence and fortitude and wisdom. We can witness our own rescue that will validate our self-worth. We can use our nurturing abilities to parent ourselves and accept ourselves with our unique gifts with compassion, love, tolerance, respect, and joy and live the joy-filled lives we deserve to live. We must also accept the right of the “bad” entities to act on their malintent and at the same time, accept our ability and right to act on our free will not to and to not participate in it. 

Self-care helps empaths learn to use their compassion responsibly, “neutralize” the toxic emotions, and learn how to regulate their emotions again. These are good “habits” that relieve the pain and help empaths assimilate and reconnect with themselves. Self-care allows empaths to actively participate in their own healing and regain trust in themselves and feel safe and secure in their own bodies. Self-care allows empaths to nourish their own souls and is critical to building self-worth, self-assurance and self-reliance. Self-care includes learning what personal rights are and where healthy authorities and boundaries start and finish that will help to make great strides in healing, replace maladaptive thoughts, beliefs and actions with healthy ones and support and sustain emotionally healthy and mutually respectful loving relationships.

Get tips on improving self-care and self-compassion here.

Learn more on how to manage personal boundaries.

We must study to understand what personal power really is and accept that our unique abilities bring authentic power and sustainable value to the world. We must accept with humility that we are gifts to the world. We are born with natural value-adding abilities to save humanity from itself, to create order from chaos. We must also accept that we are vulnerable to its ugliness and resilient to the harm it can inflict on us. We are the most powerful yet the most vulnerable humans on earth. We must learn to respect, care for, and honor both truths to a level that maximizes their value to us and others while limiting the risks they may pose to ourselves. This is how we use our gifts to live abundantly and with integrity to create infinite value we mirror and project like an expanding universe. That is the mystery and magic of life, of becoming a human of excellence, the ones we are blessed to be.


Are Narcissists Powerful?

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter


Narcissists are aggressive but in terms of what is important, as humans, to ensure and sustain our personal growth and survivability, are very weak.

They are disordered humans, predatory parasites who lack what it takes for humans to bring sustainable value and meaning to themselves and others and to be remembered in positive ways.

Learn more on how to create personal power.

They cannot announce to the world their true intent, now, can they? How effective would a lion be if it was colored bright yellow and roared to announce its presence while hunting gazelle? Or a criminal who informs the police ahead of time with when and where they will commit a crime? Or an emotional predator announcing to you that they have targeted you with false love and vows to exploit and betray you?

They may lack what it takes to think rationally and for meaningful relationships but the parts of their brains that plot and scheme work perfectly well. So they use camouflage to manipulate others to create illusions of power, to blend in, and appear normal. We can learn more about the personal power of narcissists by discussing what we typically think power is when in reality, it is not.

What is Authentic Personal Power

Humans are designed to grow, learn, connect, and develop personal power not only to survive but to benefit themselves and others from applying that power. Anything truly powerful is worked for and earned and creates sustainable value to satisfy the basic human needs of those capable and those less capable of acting on their rights to life, liberty, and happiness. At the top of the list of needs is our basic need for love and to find meaning in our lives. The ability to create value has to be worked for. We create our power through hard work and turning good and bad experiences into lessons and wisdom, and empathy. We use our critical thinking to build on past lessons we learned to improve our decision-making, thinking abilities, resilience, and our character that we use to bring value to the world. This is what integrity of character, personal power is all about. It takes inordinate effort to turn our experience into the level of skills, knowledge, abilities, and wisdom to become humans of excellence.

Learn more here on why narcissists do not work to earn value.

Read more here on the pillars of personal worth, power and authenticity.

Read more about how narcissists manipulate power from the vulnerable.

True power is value-adding, character building, and sustaining to your and other’s emotional and physical health and well-being. To test someone’s character and personal power, watch not what they say, but watch what they do when they are in a position of trust and authority where they can benefit, such as a government official, a parent, a spouse, a teacher, a coach, a President, a boss, a friend. Also watch what they do when they are in a position to help but not personally benefit. Authentic power is to stand tough in your truth, your righteousness and personal integrity (in spite of their popularity) that are founded collectively in knowledge, morals, ethics, compassion, tolerance, resilience, commitment, and love. These are the core life sustaining, value adding components of human excellence that support our personal joy, health, power, and happiness.

True power is not giving up your power to manipulators but rather protecting the integrity and honor of your personal worth and being.

True power is demonstrated in living from a core of self-love, self-respect, self-reliance, resilience, authenticity, self-worth, trust, and integrity of character.

True power is the ability to use your authority to influence people to become better people, support them in acting on their free will to find meaning in their lives, and to live in peace and harmony.

True power is to love authentically while mirroring and reciprocating the value of that love.

True power is helping others find their truth and having compassion for them while they search for theirs and not exploiting them or scapegoating them in their time of need or projecting your weaknesses on them because your ego needs you to believe you are entitled to.

True personal power is to be loved and to create memories to sustain our loved ones when we are gone.

Learn more about personal power including integrity of character, authenticity and resilience in The Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power, and Authenticity


What Power Is Not

  • Aggression is not power.
  • Authority is not power.
  • Triggering pain and fear is not power.
  • Charm is not power.
  • Exploitation is not power.
  • Entitlement is not power.
  • Being born into privilege is not power.
  • Money is not power.

If these are not power, why do so many of us think they are? Because many of us created our beliefs about personal power in power imbalanced relationships that started in our childhoods. We have been taught to believe lies that personal power is associated with aggression, privilege, prestige, the level of attention we get, our lovability and desirability, conformity, and with those who trigger our fears either on a conscious or unconscious level. These are lies that are reinforced in all aspects of our adult lives that have a profound affect on our beliefs on our and other’s personal worth, value, lovability, self-reliance, and pain-based emotions and our powerlessness and defenselessness.

Narcissists Exposed – How Narcissists Create Illusions to Fool Us

We then create in life what we believe to be true even if we believe lies. We look for and seek evidence of those lies. As a result, we learn to routinely give up our power or witness others giving up their power to extremely weak disordered manipulators who are good actors who use manipulation tactics and primarily pathological lying to overtly or covertly trigger our pains, fears and powerlessness. We become easily duped and vulnerable to those who trigger our fears and imbalance power. The Wizard of Oz, remember, was an illusion of smoke and mirrors exposed by a scruffy dog! Anecdotally it reminds us that all that glitters is not gold!

So is manipulation powerful? Is it something we deserve?

It may trigger your fears, but it is only effective if you believe you are powerless and defenseless to it and you perceive it carries more worth than it does. That, folks, is not power. It is abusive exploitation of the vulnerable, the wounded. And lies may falsely influence you in the short term, maybe alleviate your fears or even gratify you or feed your ego in the moment but they create no sustainable benefits or meaning to life. You may believe a magician’s illusion, however it is not reality. It is the magician’s job to fool you. You voluntarily choose and pay to be fooled and entertained. Manipulators, on the other hand, benefit at your expense that you do not choose.

Why Narcissists Lie and Why We Should Care More Than We Do

Pathological lying, manipulation, betrayal take no personal power at all. They are easy and effective ways for narcissists to believe they are powerful, feed their egoic needs to compensate for their lack of character traits, values, wisdom and coping and life skills that would prevent them from lying. Their weakness in character, lack of moral compass, low self-worth, lower consciousness, lower resilience, lower levels of compassion, higher levels of narcissism and entitlement, and lower level of ability to delay gratification motivate them to need more power, adulation, more immediate gratification and to seek out easy ways to achieve them at the expense of trust, family, vows, oaths, society, lives, human rights, children, minorities, or whatever else suits them.

Read more here on why cheaters cheat.

Lying and cheating become as normal for narcissists as telling the truth and being loyal are for those with compassion and character. In essence, narcissists are wired for pathological lying like they are for serial cheating. Their development is arrested. Rather than put in the work to earn the character traits and competence and individuation that support and sustain emotional health, self-worth, resilience, self-reliance, and a fulfilled life, they develop manipulation tactics and lie pathologically to compensate for their inadequacies. Their weakness of character and distorted thinking drive them to habitually lie and facilitate lying because they have no internal “brakes” to prevent them from doing so.

Learn more on why narcissists are pathological liars.

Don’t forget. Turds can’t be polished and can be glittered to look like gold in the short term, but never lose their stench until they are flushed. Gold on the other hand needs to be mined and worked for. It may tarnish but can be polished and never loses its brilliance or value.

Narcissists, too, when they are gone are not missed. Funny how that works.

What is Personal Power and What It’s Not?

Evelyn M. Ryan, Yourlifelifter


We can learn more about power from discussing what we typically think it is but in reality, it is not.

Aggression is not power.

Triggering pain and fear is not power.

Exploitation is not power.

Money is not power.

Being born into privilege does not make us power.

Entitlement is not power.

If these are not power, why do we think they are?

Because we believe lies that personal power is associated with privilege, personal strength, size, sex, prestige, the level of attention we get, and with those we fear either on a conscious or unconscious level. These are lies we are brainwashed to believe in our youth and that are reinforced in all aspects of our adult lives that have a profound affect on our beliefs on our personal worth, value, lovability, and pain-based emotions and our powerlessness and defenselessness. Our bodies then create in life what we believe to be true even if we believe those lies. As a result, we routinely give up our power or witness others giving up their power to good actors who use aggression, manipulation, money or privilege overtly or covertly to trigger our fears and powerlessness.

Read more here on how emotional vampires con you to steal your power.

So, is acting powerful? Are lies powerful? Is manipulation powerful?

They may trigger your fears, but they are only effective if you believe you are powerless and defenseless to them and they carry more worth. That, folks, is not power. It is abusive exploitation of the vulnerable, the wounded.

personalpowerAnything truly powerful does not have to act, lie, or manipulate. It has no need to.

Anything truly powerful is worked for and earned and creates sustainable value to satisfy the basic human needs of those capable and those less capable of acting on their rights to life, liberty, and happiness. The abilities to create value itself have to be worked for. This is what integrity of character is all about. It takes inordinate effort to turn our experience into the level of skills, knowledge, abilities, and wisdom to become humans of excellence.

True power is value-adding, character building and sustaining to your and other’s emotional and physical health. Authentic power is to stand tough in your truth, your righteousness and personal integrity (in spite of their popularity) that are founded collectively in knowledge, morals, ethics, compassion, tolerance, and love. These are the core life sustaining, value adding components of human excellence that enhance our lives and those of others.

Read more here on how emotional believers con you to steal your power.

True power is not giving up your power to manipulators but rather protecting the integrity and honor of your personal worth and being.

True power is demonstrated in living from a core of self-love, self-respect, self-reliance, authenticity, self-worth and integrity of character.

True power is the ability to influence people to become better people, support them in acting on their free will, and to live in peace and harmony. True power is to love authentically while mirroring and reciprocating the value of that love.

True power is helping others find their truth and having compassion for them while they search for theirs and not exploiting them or scapegoating them in their time of need or projecting your weaknesses on them because your ego needs you to believe you are entitled to. That is not power. That is acting on your emotional immaturity and self-righteousness and lack of moral compass that are some of the bases for evil.

downloadEvil is what the Bible and all scriptures attempt to reconcile and describe as those who turn “light into darkness and darkness into light.” These are the personality disordered, the hate filled hypocrites, extremists, frauds, grifters, pedophiles, rapists, sexists, misogynists, con artists, white supremacists, bigots, xenophobes, thugs, punks, liars, narcissists, psychopaths, criminals, and incompetents. These are the ones who call you and pose as IRS agents or Presidents and try to play on your fears to rip you off and con you. And no one from any political party regardless of their privilege is exempt from being any of these.

The evil aggressively, overtly or covertly, manipulate value, power from others to benefit at other’s expense.

Read more here on how emotional believers con you to steal your power.

These are the narcissists posing as healers on Facebook pages, the pedophiles who infiltrated the priesthood, and the pathological narcissists who con their way with charisma, lies, and playing to your fears to rise to power in key decision-making political positions. They are human parasites, the snakes in suits and wolves in sheep’s clothing, the glittered turds.

A snake in a suit is a snake. A wolf in sheep’s clothing is a wolf. And a glittered turd is a turd. Shall we have compassion for a vampire, a leach, a disease carrying tick? Shall we have compassion for human parasites and emotional vampires who exploit others for malintent and personal gain because they believe they are entitled to?

Evil is evil. If it looks like, if it smells like, it is. Are people all the same level of evil? No. Of course not. But evilness is like pregnancy. You are or you aren’t. And no one is immune.

th-2Beware of glitter, folks. You cannot polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter and make it look like gold but it will always remain a turd and the smell lingers. And the only way to get rid of the smell is to flush it.

Truth on the other hand is like gold. It has to be worked for. It has to be mined and can be polished. And it may tarnish but it will never lose its true value or beauty.

Nothing is more powerful than living authentically in your truth and becoming the best version of yourself you were put on this earth to be and mirroring your power back to others.

That power is infinite. It is indestructable.

And like gold, it may need to be mined and it may tarnish but it can be polished and never loses its brilliance or value.




Happy Holidays!

cold snow holiday winter

Photo by Public Domain Pictures on Pexels.com

Dear Yourlifelifter Community Members,

Happy holidays and joyous blessings of the season.

Many thanks to all of you for your support in making our Yourlifelifter family a reality, and supporting our common mission of healing, truth, compassion, respect, honor, and authentic love.

You, we, your children are all worth it.

Together we are making the world a better, happier, and healthier place for all. With your help, our family is spreading our healing message to millions across the world.

For me there is no better gift.

Thank you for making it all possible.

Blessings to you all.

Get ready for lots more in 2019!

Together we heal and thrive!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter


Why Understanding Personal Power is Fundamental to Healing for Abuse Survivors

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

705466_cover_mockup1-1Personal power is a recurring theme in my life, in my Blog, Facebook Page and podcast show because it is our perception of our personal power that is fundamental to healing that is most damaged by childhood abuse, neglect, and invalidation. It is also an area that is frequently misunderstood. So I dug into my library to better understand personal power and its value to our happiness and healing.

I hope this collection of lessons supports you in your healing journeys to not only take your personal power back but also hold it to the high level of honor and respect it deserves.

Personal Power is Fundamental to Our Existence

Maslows-Hierarchy-of-NeedsIn a nutshell, our personal power is a combination of our learned skills, knowledge and abilities and character traits that impact our survivability, health, and the quality of our life and that of our children and loved ones. It is our set of collective abilities that support our freedom to positively influence ourselves and others. By acting without obstacles to influence ourselves and others, we create maximum value that supports our personal and collective existence. We benefit from the value we create that supports our happiness and allows us and our children and loved ones and the others in our communities to thrive from the collective value we create. Do sometimes we give and sometimes we take from the “value” pool? Of course we do. Are there obstacles to us being our best? Of course, all the time. That is what makes us human. Our lives change, our needs changes, we and other people learn, change, grow, and adapt. Our personal power includes our resilience to change, knowledge when and how to make change, and our tolerance to know and accept what we cannot change.

So let me ask you this? How can you act freely on your abilities if you do not recognize you have any, you do not believe you have them, you think you have less than you have, do not understand their value, or do not believe you are worthy of the outcome of acting on that power? How can you act on your personal power if you fear or cannot adapt to change? How can you act on your personal power if those around you have systematically brain washed you to believe you have none and have manipulated you to direct your power from you to benefit them?

The answers are simple. You can’t.

How Misunderstanding Our Personal Power Makes Us Vulnerable 

We cannot reap the benefits of our personal power until we are able to act on it. And we can act on it under three conditions:

  1. We must recognize we have it.
  2. We must believe we are worthy of the benefits.
  3. We must be resilient to whatever challenges it.

So it it easy to see that our beliefs on what our personal power including our resilience is and our worthiness can prevent or motivate us to take action. Skewed beliefs impacting one or both, then, are the major obstacles to our peak performance. It is these distorted beliefs that can also make us vulnerable to those attempting to manipulate and exploit our power to benefit them at our expense.

Narcissists Exposed – How Narcissists Create Illusions to Fool Us

Learn more here on the differences between aggression, power, harm and control.

Abusers, for example, use aggression covertly or overtly to imbalance the power to exploit you. They typically use manipulation skills to trigger your fears and sway you to believe you and others they target are powerless and undeserving of whatever they are trying to con from you.

Narcissists Exposed – How Narcissists Create Illusions to Fool Us

Their goal is to incrementally get you to give up more and more of your power to them. In between the abuse, abusers groom you. So the cycles of abuse and makeup sessions create peptide addictions in the brain. We end up mistaking the chemical trauma bonding for love or sincerity. We were conditioned to believe we must suffer to be lovable and that we are defenseless and powerless to emotional pain. We are conditioned to believe that only the abusers have the power to relieve that pain. As healer, minister, author, and counselor Michele O’Donnell states, “If we live in fear of anything, we give it the power to overcome us.”

Cannot heal at same level as painThis is not love, this is not power, and this is not the basis of emotionally healthy and trusting relationships. This is, however, the basis of power imbalanced abusive and exploitive relationships and what causes us to unknowingly give up our power to abusers and con artists, become complicit in our own abuse, and perpetuate the cycle of intergenerational abuse.

Abuse, folks, is not about control. Healing and recovery is not about the abusers. Abuse and healing are all about us, fixing our skewed beliefs on our worthiness, replacing the lies with truth, and taking our power back to allow us freely to reap the full benefit of our authentic power. I explore these issues in much more detail in Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips, and Tools for Abuse Survivors

Why Believing Lies About Our Personal Power Damages Us

If we are prevented from acting freely on our personal power because we do not know better or are manipulated to redirect our power elsewhere, then we are not living authentically and are not reaping the full benefits we are worthy of. Ok, you may say, “So what? What’s the big deal?” Well, the results of not living authentically are not only a big deal, they can be catastrophic. Because by not acting on that ability we not only put our and the needs of our children and others at risk, we put our lives at risk.

Living lies just like physically abusing or neglecting our bodies cannot sustain us because our bodies were not designed to work that way. Our genetics contain wisdom. If what we do does not align with what our bodies are programmed for, the body knows. We may fool ourselves but we cannot fool nature. We are fighting nature by fooling ourselves and what will nature do? It will rebel and when it does, the consequences minimally are severe and for some catastrophic and irreversible. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when you do not supply the body or mind what they need to function properly, they will attempt to take from somewhere else. If you do not provide them the proper nourishment they need or you take in too many toxic substances or stress your body above what it was designed to do, the body cannot develop normally and visually, you look bad and physically and emotionally, you feel bad. You become physically and emotionally unfit.

c8201dd7ec25ba33ef0f4148c07a5d9bNow for a while, the liver or body systems that are being taxed will filter out the crap and your natural defenses will take over until wham! You have overtaxed them and they no longer are able to filter out the garbage faster than it is coming in or you have strained that vertebrae or ligament or muscle as far as it can be stretched. You experience emotional and physical pain. These are the cues that what you have been putting in the body is not sufficient to nourish and sustain it and you need to stop doing what you are doing and course correct. So you could take an aspirin or an antacid or put on makeup or get false teeth or take high blood pressure medicine or cholesterol medicine that will mask the damage and temporarily relieve and sustain yourself, nevertheless until you provide your body the proper nutrition to care for it and ensure its works as it was designed, something will continue to give and you will continue to risk being in chronic pain and at some level of chronic suffering.

The mind and spirit, too, can become traumatized and malnourished and you will become emotionally fatigued, exhausted, stressed, or depressed. The brain has remarkable plasticity but it is not good at spontaneous healing. Sustained emotional stress also results in more physical damage to the body because the human body is comprised of integrated systems. Stress hormone levels rise for longer periods than the body is designed for leading to inflammation. The body responds with recognizing the inflammation as disease that the body’s immune system attacks. The neurological system is connected and interrelated to all the body’s systems, hence, healthy body, healthy mind and vice versa.

We all have inalienable rights to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Absolutely we do. However, if we are prevented from pursuing them because we have damaged the only vessel that we have to travel in that journey, we are sabotaging not only our own health and happiness but also our children’s by teaching them the same maladaptive unhealthy thinking patterns and beliefs that impacts their personal power as well. They too will live familiar reactive pain-seeking and pain-avoiding lives rather than ones they are free to act on their abilities to bring them joy they know they deserve and are worthy of achieving. They too will become emotionally and physically unfit.


Why Managing Emotions is Key to Recognizing Personal Power

We are born with only two fears – fear of falling and fear of loud noises. All, yes, all of our pain-based emotions (and the list is long) like shame, guilt, anxiety, grief, phobias, compulsions are learned, every darn last one of them. Some we developed in order to cope with or avoid another greater fear or pain. Our caregivers in our youth should have taught us how to take cues from our pain-based emotions, as well as our joy-based ones and showed us to self-regulate and modulate them with healthy self-coping and self-soothing mechanisms. They should have taught us to accept, use, and rely on our emotions in order to develop our divine miraculous abilities, our personal power, to care for ourselves and nourish our souls and mature these abilities throughout our lives to become the best joy-seeking versions of ourselves we were put on this earth to be.

Instead they, intentionally or not, taught us to believe the lies they were taught to believe that caused them and us to maladapt. Toxic pain-based thinking in our families today originated generations ago from our great great great great great grandfathers or grandmothers who suffered some traumatic experience and who never healed and shadowed their pain on and taught their wounded thinking to their descendants. Read more on this subject here.

13166007_822039794617518_5597762351778431864_nThe truth is that we are all born and designed for happiness and to feel safe, secure, and lovable. When we are abused and betrayed in our youth when we are growing at such a rapid pace, our pain-based emotions, through overuse, become toxic and our beliefs about our self-worth and personal power and deserving peace, solace and joy become skewed. We typically are taught and conditioned, instead, to believe that in loving relationships, we deserve pain, we are the source of our pain, we are powerless to the pain, and only those who inflict pain on us have the power and authority to relieve the pain. We may not be able to see the “good” in normal healthy relationships and sabotage them because we were not taught to relate anything positive in a relationship to love or our worthiness.

When we are abused or invalidated in our youth, our pain-based emotions become faulty and lose their intended design functions of being reliable protective safety measures and providing depth and color to our lives. They go haywire and rather than protect us, do us and our children more harm as we teach the same distorted thinking patterns to them as well. We and our children become vulnerable targets of energy and power vampires.

11825868_789154231210160_5369177878722907305_n-1We can replace this distorted thinking with emotionally adaptive and healthy thinking and learn to modulate and control our own emotions and bring our self-esteem and self-worth to healthy levels. We can take our power back and change our pain-seeking/pain-avoiding lives to joy-seeking/joy-filled lives, achieve emotional sobriety, and thrive. As we heal, our children will heal through us. This is how we break the cycles of intergenerational abuse.

This is how we take our power back and thrive!

Beware Narcissists Posing as Healers


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

th-4I write extensively on the Blog and at the Yourlifelifter Facebook page reminding abuse survivors that healing is all about them, not their abusers and how focusing too much on their abusers will prevent them from healing and taking their personal power back.

I would like to expand on this topic especially with the recent release of exploitive “healing” books on narcissism and the increase of healing Facebook pages being run by narcissists some proclaiming even that they are “recovered” when in fact, there is no cure.

So let’s break this down a bit more.

I can teach you all you want to know about narcissists in about 15 minutes. THAT is how predictable they are in their depravity and that is all you need to heal and get over them. I periodically print about 15 one paragraph Questions and Answers that are ALL you need to know to move…

View original post 669 more words

Narcissists Exposed – How Narcissists Create Illusions to Fool Us

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“Narcissists bomb us with lies and irrational beliefs to skew our perceptions of our own (male or female) and others’ personal power and worth. They frequently surround themselves with a posse of low-character ‘flying monkeys’ who support them in the ‘lie bombing.’ They target the primary beliefs that trigger our fears and shame related to our self-esteem, personal power, and safety.  In short, these are the primary beliefs that support our personal joy, health, power, and happiness.”

imgresDisparities in character and emotional fitness can cause power imbalance in any abusive family, organization, government, political party, employer, relationship where the members use their authority to exploit the rights of the vulnerable to benefit themselves. These abusers, then, stealthily interfere with our rights to life, liberty, and happiness by intentionally exploiting resources and opportunities that allow us to act on those rights. Governments, for example, use political authority to get our support or votes;  in employment, job status and authority to keep us sub-servant; and in families, love and acceptance to abuse us. All test and demonstrate the value added from integrity of character and the level of emotional fitness of all participating members, givers and takers alike. We all have the same human needs and no one, not ever, is entitled to have their needs met over ours. It is this fundamental belief at the core of our worthiness that people and especially, narcissists, abusers, psychopaths, and demagogues use to manipulate and over power us.


What is Power and What It’s Not

Would you let the hospital janitor perform your heart surgery? Would you let a nurse perform your heart surgery? I hope not. Well, the same principles apply to anyone in a position of authority whose decisions and competence level can have life or death impacts on others.

This is also why education, qualifications, emotional fitness, credibility, reliability, loyalty, criminal history, communications, experience, and character traits like compassion and conscientiousness and loyalty are so important to effectively completing any high risk/ high consequence job. Those of us who have dedicated our lives to maintain this high level of competency in support of our service to the public are very well aware of this. We are clear on personal power, competence and worth and have worked our back ends off to achieve a level of excellence our work and the public deserve. We do not abuse our positions of authority to benefit from others at their expense. We have no need to and our consciences and compassion prevent us from abusing our authority and betraying those we are committed to in trust.

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

Let’s be clear here.

  • Authority is not power.
  • Aggression is not power.
  • Triggering pain and fear is not power.
  • Exploitation is not power.
  • Money is not power.
  • Being born into privilege does not make us powerful.
  • Entitlement is not power.

Then why do so many of us believe this?

Most of us have been conditioned to believe personal power is associated with external image exemplified in title, stature, privilege, personal strength, size, sex, beauty, brains, status quo, prestige, instant gratification, the level of attention we command and with those we fear either on a conscious or unconscious level. Nothing could be farther from reality. While all these things may look good on the outside and be appealing and even scary, anything that appears too good to be true usually is. Beware of glitter folks. This is all B.S. we have been brainwashed to believe in our youth and that is reinforced in all aspects of our adult lives that have a profound affect on our core beliefs impacting our survival.

“We can perceive those with authentic power (who have no need to demonstrate it or glitter it up) who can actually help us as threats because they challenge our pain-based ego-driven beliefs that while faulty we are comfortable with and settled for. We unknowingly become vulnerable to emotional vampires and do not live to our true potential.”

We then live and create in life what we believe to be true or valuable based on lies and false fears. As a result, we routinely give up our power or witness others giving up their power to good actors who use aggression, manipulation, money or privilege overtly or covertly to trigger our fears and powerlessness. We then believe falsely that anything that relieves our pain or triggers our envy is value-adding. And more significantly, we can perceive those with authentic power (who have no need to demonstrate it or glitter it up) who can actually help us as threats because they challenge our pain-based ego-driven beliefs that while faulty we are comfortable with and settled for. We unknowingly become vulnerable to emotional vampires and do not live to our true potential.

Why Narcissists Lie and Why We Should Care More Than We Do

Read more here on how emotional manipulators use your fears to con you to steal your power.


So, is acting powerful? Are lies powerful? Is manipulation powerful? Are nice things powerful? They may gratify you temporarily if you pay to be entertained by them or they feed your ego. They may even be impactful in the short run if they trigger fears you believe you are powerless and defenseless to and only the manipulator can alleviate. That, folks, is not power. It is abusive exploitation of power from the vulnerable, the wounded. Is a thief even, if a good one, worthy of what they steal? Does the theft entitle them to unearned benefits and provide them with some hidden magical power? I think not.

Read more here on what makes narcissists self-righteous and manipulative

“Anyone truly powerful does not have to act, lie, manipulate, steal, or exploit. Why? It has no need to.”

What Is Authentic Personal Power

Anyone truly powerful does not have to act, lie, manipulate, steal, or exploit. Why? They have no need to. They have integrity of character, authenticity, and competence they can rely on to benefit not only themselves but also others.

We all have to work to be able to create value in spite of adversity to not only live but also to become who we uniquely are. No one based on their level of privilege, label, title, authority, sex, or role is exempt from this basic rule of humanity. There is no other way. The level of our integrity of character including our empathy and moral compass help us create authentic value and resilience that earns us the right to reap the benefits from the value we create not steal value others work for to benefit ourselves. It simply doesn’t work that way. It is irrational to think otherwise.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity

We, nevertheless, are social beings and cannot accomplish this in a vacuum. So normal functioning people work to use their experiences to develop the lessons, knowledge, skills, resilience, competence they use to create value in their lives, relationships, work, community, and in the world. This is real personal power that we project out to others to benefit them so they, too, build personal power and find meaning in their lives. This is how we all become humans of excellence and accomplish goals we are worthy of. We earn them! And we openly share that value at will with others we choose to share it with and they with us.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity

Compassionate and loyal people, use their personal power to protect the vulnerable, the sick, and anyone in need, not exploit them for their personal gain. They would use their authority and their earned skills, knowledge, abilities and unbiased judgment to ensure all benefitted equally and fairly with due regard for the law. They can readily source their own power internally to think critically and make risk-informed decisions and thought and course corrections and improvements that result in value-adding and sustainable results. They possess emotional maturity that allows them to identify when they need assistance to make reliable decisions and to get the help they need from reliable competent sources. This is the basis for a chaos free society where we all are free to act on our free will to pursue life, liberty, and happiness unhindered.

If you are not aware of this, then immediately please bring this into your level of consciousness and belief system. Because if you do not, you will remain vulnerable to pathological narcissists, con artists, psychopaths, bullies, and abusers who prey on those with the lack of knowledge of their real worth and power and personal authority.

Read more here on how narcissists target and exploit empaths.

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.


How Narcissists Imbalance Power to Con You

We must not forget that all humans have basic needs for survival regardless of our level of privilege, status, and title. These include, food, love, shelter and safety, self-esteem, and self-actualization (achieving your potential, happiness, finding meaning). To meet these needs, sometimes we give and sometimes we take because our living conditions change. Bad things happen to good people, right? Nothing is ever static. So “mooching” clearly is part of the human condition and part of all relationships and our existence as individuals and as a society since we exist as a nation (and no longer live in tribes and a feudal system).

No one is immune, poor or rich, privileged or not from “mooching.” Some of us because of disabilities or hardships may have to legitimately mooch more than others because we are not able to create, generate or return the resources we need to support our basic needs. Others may mooch, however, simply because they believe they are entitled to.

Narcissists do not mooch legitimately. They are intentional moochers who want us to forget that those in a civil ordered ethically-based compassionate society take care of each other and that we have laws that protect our rights and the rights of the vulnerable to help us maintain order from chaos. We also have our own personal standards, ethics and morals we live by they want us to forget. They, instead, deliberately divide us and create chaos to imbalance power so they can more easily steal our power from us.

Read more here on how narcissists target and exploit empaths.

Narcissists covertly or overtly yet aggressively con others to ignore their basic instincts, core beliefs, and sense of reason and decency. They routinely engage in “crazy making” to distract you from the facts and invalidate your “authentic emotions” so you will forget that in a democratic republic, we all, regardless of our differences, have a right to achieve life, liberty, happiness and to our own opinions regardless of our beliefs, state of our emotional health or level of comfort in the state of affairs. Of course, no one likes rules or laws or regulations but we know they exist to provide limits that, in the short or long term, protect us from harm and prevent chaos and keep us all on the up and up.

Why Narcissists Lie and Why We Should Care More Than We Do

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

Narcissists who permanently lack normal functioning abilities that motivate humans to work and earn these benefits literally con and steal these from anyone vulnerable to their manipulation tactics. This is why they despise laws, courts, accountability, scrutiny, regulations, oversight and literally anything or anyone that will prevent them from exploiting the vulnerable which is just part of their disordered character or that expose them for who they really are, the weakest humans with lowest of integrity of character. They are disordered individuals who have become human parasites who prey on the benefits others work for and have earned. They are forever unable to fend for themselves or sustain their own happiness.

Narcissists Exposed – How Narcissists Create Illusions to Fool Us

Narcissists Have Infiltrated Government

Kathy Krajco, a formidable pioneer in educating the world on narcissism and narcissistic abuse, warns us in What Makes Narcissists Tick about the serious problem narcissism poses in the public sector and private nonprofit institutions that use the do-gooder and moral elitist facade to cloak their true self-righteous intentions to not do good but to be “seen as doing good” and “show how good they are by pointing at someone else and telling them how bad they are.” Politics, she points out, “is an ideal arena for narcissists…the list of them who have conned whole nations to become dictators is breathtaking.”

Why are So Many Politicians Pathological Narcissists and What Can We Do About it?

Why Narcissists Lie and Why We Should Care More Than We Do

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

Weakness of character motivates a person to betray and facilitates the betrayal because they have no internal “brakes” to prevent them from cheating or exploiting. In essence, betrayers are wired for betraying. Dr. George K. Simon, a preeminent expert on manipulative aggressive personalities and author of the best sellers In Sheep’s ClothingCharacter Disturbance, and The Judas Syndrome confirms that those with covert aggressive personalities like pathological narcissists lack empathy and the warning signs of such empathy deficits are in part in the attitudes they display toward obligation. Narcissists simply detest putting out effort that might, even in part, benefit someone else.

Read more here on the Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power and Authenticity

“We cannot ever take for granted what it takes to support order or forget the importance of the balance of power and integrity of character in ensuring not only our personal health and happiness but also peace and harmony in our families, communities, states, and society. And we must never forget that acquiring these takes plain hard work.”

Read more here on what makes a narcissists self-righteous and manipulative.

There is immense accuracy to the old adage that “the devil comes cloaked as everything you ever wanted.” The truly evil members of the human race know what makes people of character work. They learn to read their emotional responses and manipulate their conscientiousness, compassion, and fears to direct their time, energy, and money to them. Now, criminals, parasites, and predators cannot announce to their targeted hosts and prey their true intent can they? What do they, like all predatory and parasitic animals, do? They use camouflage and manipulation to fool their prey. Narcissists in government are no different. They use two primary tactics to manipulate those they target. 

  1. They play on and trigger their fears and
  2. They diminish the value of other humans.

Why Narcissists Lie and Why We Should Care More Than We Do

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?


Narcissistic politicians try to stealthily convince you that people including yourself in legitimate need are “moochers.” They want us to forget the vulnerable among us like the sick, those prejudiced against, abuse victims, minorities, and the elderly need our help and by law, earn and merit that help. These are conditions, remember, that all humans face that can prevent us from acting on our basic rights and meeting our basic needs. Narcissists, in fact, loathe anyone in need who cannot directly benefit them.

“Why,” you may think, “would anyone do these horrible things?” The answer is simple. They want to direct our time, energy, money, and power to them. To do this effectively, they must get us to feel shame for our needs and not care for other folks and to fear or hate them instead. You may now think, “how can someone get another person to not care for themselves and others and to fear and hate them?”

Read more here on how to identify people in legitimate need versus real moochers.

Well, sadly, lots easier than you may think if they get you to believe that the person you care about is an undeserving moocher, a threat to you, and convince you through lies, false threats, and character assassination that all of you are not worthy of compassion. More so, they get you to believe only they can save you from these fake threats and alleviate your fears and only they are worthy of your attention and adulation. How do they do this? Again the answer is pretty simple. They lie.

Narcissists, bullies, psychopaths and demagogues are pathological liars. (As a side note,  I would love to see their pants actually catch fire). Why? The answer again is simple! They have to be and want to be. It is just part of their parasitic nature.

Learn more here about the natural but parasitic nature of narcissists.

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.

“Narcissists, bullies, psychopaths and demagogues are pathological liars. (As a side note,  I do wish their pants would catch fire). Why? The answer again is simple! They have to be and want to be. It is just a part of their natural and parasitic nature.”

Narcissists naturally and intentionally bomb us with lies and irrational beliefs to skew our perceptions of our own (male or female) and others’ personal power and worth. They frequently surround themselves with a posse of low-character “flying monkeys” who support them in the “lie bombing.” They target the primary beliefs that trigger our fears and shame related to our self-esteem, personal power, and safety.  In short, these are the primary beliefs that support our personal joy, health, power, and happiness. So they lie pathologically to create doubt, confusion, uncertainty, and chaos so they can manipulate us more effectively. They are emotional moochers. This tactic like the old bait and switch is as old as the hills, but nevertheless, is very effective.

Convincing you that you or others in need are weak, of less value, or are a danger, a threat, makes you seem less believable, weak, and unworthy and therefore less human. And ultimately by getting you to believe the lies, they can more easily get you to abandon your natural desire to care for, empathize and help yourself and others. They manipulate you to believe that you and the vulnerable are not worthy of your basic rights to life, liberty, and happiness because you are “moochers” who are stealing from those more worthy when they, in reality, are the “moochers.” Remember The Wizard of Oz, nothing but smoke and mirrors controlled by a wizard you were instructed not to pay attention to? Well, while anecdotal, it is based in reality.

“Narcissists bomb us with lies and irrational beliefs to skew our perceptions of our own (male or female) and others’ personal power and worth. The frequently surround themselves with a posse of low-character “flying monkeys” who support them in the “lie bombing.” They target the primary beliefs that trigger our fears and shame related to our our self-esteem, personal power, and safety.  In short, these are the primary beliefs that support our personal joy, health, power, and happiness.”

Read more here on how to distinguish people in legitimate need from the real moochers.

There is a vital lesson for us to all learn here!

We cannot ever take for granted what it takes to support order or forget the importance of the balance of power and integrity of character needed in key decision makers in government to ensure not only our personal health and happiness but also peace and harmony in our families, communities, states, and society. And we must never forget that acquiring these takes plain hard work and authentic personal power that is earned not stolen.

What Can We Do as a Person, a People, a Nation

Well, there is lots we can do and lots we shouldn’t do. At the top of the “do not” list is to hunker down in shame or fear. At the top of the “do” list is to take actions and resist so we can take our power back and maximize the positive impact of the truly good and emotionally healthy people with integrity of character, intellect, and compassion and to stop promoting the evil component of society. So now more than ever it is critical to be intelligent in our choices and to not not let our fears and lack of information and state of our emotional health drive them. We must be vigilant and informed in all our choices and especially in whom we choose to love, associate with, trust, and choose as our lawmakers, senators, the head of state! We can work on improving our own emotional health. As we heal, our children will heal through us. The onus is on the United States government and on us as citizens to ensure we can confidently answer this question as it applies to all personnel running for key elected decision-making roles in government and especially those at the highest levels of government:

“Are these candidates competent and emotionally fit for duty and running an honest campaign from the heart, with authentic loyalty, integrity and duty to the greater good or are they knowingly and intentionally lying and making false promises to their constituents and exploiting their fears to win in order to abuse the authority of the position to benefit themselves?”

How do we achieve this? First, we must heal  and educate ourselves on narcissismAs we heal, our children will heal through us. They will develop the empathy, self-worth, self-reliance, and emotional intelligence required to succeed in life, work, and relationships and maximize their power to themselves and to the world. I provide tons of healing information, tools and resources in this Blog, the Yourlifelifter website and Facebook page, and in my book Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips and Tools for Abuse Survivors.

Read more here on how we can heal the world by healing ourselves.

Second, we must learn what authentic power really is and how it applies to all humans regardless of their sex, privilege, or appearance, the tactics emotional manipulators use to con our power from us to benefit them, and what makes us vulnerable to them.

Read more here on what personal power is and what it is not.

Third, we can stand up to and also stop voting diagnosed pathological narcissists into key political offices. We can be mindful and wise in our choices of those with the integrity of character and other qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities they have worked for and earned that support them being an effective world leader who are competent to make informed decisions based on what is best for others, the country, the world and not just themselves, profoundly weak people who cannot generate their own power and steal that of others.

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

Educating ourselves about narcissism will allow us easier to recognize them and assess the state of our own emotional health that makes us vulnerable to their manipulation. In this way, we can expose and defuse them. The U. S. government can also start screening the mental and emotional health, along with the financial and character integrity of anyone who is hired into a critical political position no different than what all high risk industries are, by law or ethics, required to do.

This is how we collectively heal and take our power back as people and as a nation and get us back on track to allow us equally and unhindered to act freely on our divine rights we collectively work for, deserve, and pay for to pursue life, liberty, and happiness

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.


The World Needs to Heal and Take Its Power Back


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“The fabric woven by our forefathers that sustains our livelihood and supports our collective happiness and emotional and physical fitness is unraveling. The needle on the moral and ethical compass that supports them has been replaced with a pain- and fear- based one. So rather than use and improve the system that sustains and nurtures us to be our best and soothe and relieve our emotional pain, we desperately are exploiting it to fill gaps in our psyches. We have become a savage aggressive pain based people who exploit others for power and validation rather than authentic self sustaining people who source them internally within our own selves. We have become saboteurs of our own happiness.”

Others as preyAbuse of power, exploitation of people’s fear and pains, and violation of their basic human
rights are the bases of wars. No where is this message more evident than in the United States where these…

View original post 629 more words

Corrupt Politics? Dysfunctional Family? No Difference. This is Why.

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

Pathological narcissism is now a worldwide pandemic.


thBecause narcissists’ food supply of emotionally unhealthy people who are vulnerable to their manipulation tactics is abundant. And the population of predators always thrives when the food supply is good.

Case in point.

Now the FBI is warning people who are exposing crime in politics they are on a target list for extreme domestic terrorist groups. Why would this along with a 57% increase of hate crimes be taking place at this current time in history? The root cause is simple and one we have seen over and over and over again in the history of tyrannical demagogues and in our own families and in our own lives. Yes, history does repeat itself. This is why?

Read more here on pain-based thinking and intergenerational abuse.

Read an expanded discussion on how pathological narcissists have infiltrated government and why and what we can do about it.

Narcissists Manipulate to Unbalance Power

Most of us have been conditioned to believe personal power is associated with title, stature, privilege, personal strength, size, sex, beauty, brains, status quo, prestige, instant gratification, the level of attention we get, and with those we fear either on a conscious or unconscious level. Nothing could be farther from reality. While all these things may look good on the outside and be appealing and even scary, anything that appears too good to be true usually is. Beware of glitter folks. This is all B.S. we have been brainwashed to believe in our youth and that is reinforced in all aspects of our adult lives that have a profound affect on our core beliefs impacting our survival.

“We can perceive those with authentic power (who have no need to demonstrate it or glitter it up) who can actually help us as threats because they challenge our pain-based ego-driven beliefs that while faulty we are comfortable with and settled for. We unknowingly become vulnerable to emotional vampires and do not live to our true potential.”

We then live and create in life what we believe to be true or valuable based on lies and false fears. As a result, we routinely give up our power or witness others giving up their power to human parasites who are good actors who use charm to bait us and then aggression, manipulation, money or privilege overtly or covertly to trigger our fears and powerlessness. We then believe falsely that anything that relieves our pain or triggers our envy is value-adding. And more significantly, we can perceive those with authentic power (who have no need to demonstrate it or glitter it up) who can actually help us as threats because they challenge our pain-based ego-driven beliefs that while faulty we are comfortable with and settled for. We unknowingly become vulnerable to emotional vampires and do not live to our true potential.

Narcissists Exposed: How Narcissists Create Illusions to Fool Us

Why Narcissists Lie and Why We Should Care More Than We Do

This is what an evil uncontrolled unleashed pathological narcissist and criminal can instill by playing on the emotional weaknesses and fears of others. These are the exact same power unbalancing dynamics that take place in any extremely dysfunctional family where pathological narcissism, exploitation of the vulnerable, manipulation, codependency, abuse, neglect, power imbalance, emotional unhealthiest including scapegoating, prejudice, self-righteousness, boundary violation, and entitlement are normalized. This is also where the roots of our emotional unhealthiness are founded.

The result?

The exploited and the exploiters never learn the emotional management skills and to work to develop the character traits including self-worth and self-reliance that they and all humans need to sustain their own happiness and health and to support healthy mutually respectful and loving relationships. Instead, the exploited traumatized children become pain-addicted adults who are vulnerable to pathologically narcissistic exploiters and abusers who have infiltrated the helping professions and groups such as politics, religious institutions, fund-raising organizations, and education who exploit all the value others work for.

The result?

You stay stuck in a state of emotional unhealthiness, are vulnerable to those who trigger your repressed fears, and work your back end off without reaping the benefits of the value you create, and suffer while those who have manipulated you to give up your power and value to them benefit. They convince you that you or others they scapegoat are the source of your pain, that you are weak and of less value, and only they can alleviate the pain and are worthy of the power. These are manipulation tactics all pathological narcissists, abusers, thieves, con artists, and thieves use to steal your power from you.

Read more here on how we can heal the world by healing ourselves.

They make you feel ashamed of taking care of your basic needs that all humans have. They convince you that anyone in need, the sick, the exploited, including you, yourself in your elder years are moochers and freeloaders who are “stealing” what we all as humans earn and have inalienable rights to. These are our legally protected rights as humans we all have to act on our free will to achieve our goals including those for our and our children’s health and happiness and overall well-being.

It is nothing other than a parasite to host, predator to prey, narcissist to victim relationship being facilitated by a herd of flying monkeys.

Sound familiar? It should. The same story of the evil and weak trying to manipulate power and benefits from the good and righteous has been repeated since the beginning of time.

Remember, folks. The devil comes cloaked as everything you ever wanted.

Beware of glittered turds. They target the best of the best.

Take your power back!!!! Remember, they have no power without you!

Read more here on how we can heal the world by healing ourselves.

What Can We Do as a Person, a People, a Nation

Well, there is lots we can do and lots we shouldn’t do. At the top of the “do not” list is to hunker down in shame or fear. At the top of the “do” list is to take actions and resist so we can take our power back and maximize the positive impact of the truly good and emotionally healthy people with integrity of character, intellect, and compassion and to stop promoting the evil component of society. So now more than ever it is critical to be intelligent in our choices and to not not let our fears and lack of information and state of our emotional health drive them. We must be vigilant and informed in all our choices and especially in whom we choose to love, associate with, trust, and choose as our lawmakers, senators, the head of state! We can work on improving our own emotional health. As we heal, our children will heal through us. The onus is on the United States government and on us as citizens to ensure we can confidently answer this question as it applies to all personnel running for key elected decision-making roles in government and especially those at the highest levels of government:

“Are these candidates competent and emotionally fit for duty and running an honest campaign from the heart, with authentic loyalty, integrity and duty to the greater good or are they knowingly and intentionally lying and making false promises to their constituents and exploiting their fears to win in order to abuse the authority of the position to benefit themselves?”

How do we achieve this? First, we must heal  and educate ourselves on narcissismAs we heal, our children will heal through us. They will develop the empathy, self-worth, self-reliance, and emotional intelligence required to succeed in life, work, and relationships and maximize their power to themselves and to the world. I provide tons of healing information, tools and resources in this Blog, the Yourlifelifter website and Facebook page, and in my book Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips and Tools for Abuse Survivors.

Read more here on how we can heal the world by healing ourselves.

Second, we must learn what authentic power really is and how it applies to all humans regardless of their sex, privilege, or appearance, the tactics emotional manipulators use to con our power from us to benefit them, and what makes us vulnerable to them.

Read more here on what personal power is and what it is not.

Third, we can stand up to and also stop voting diagnosed pathological narcissists into key political offices. We can be mindful and wise in our choices of those with the integrity of character and other qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities they have worked for and earned that support them being an effective world leader who are competent to make informed decisions based on what is best for others, the country, the world and not just themselves, profoundly weak people who cannot generate their own power and steal that of others.

Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

Educating ourselves about narcissism will allow us easier to recognize them and assess the state of our own emotional health that makes us vulnerable to their manipulation. In this way, we can expose and defuse them. The U. S. government can also start screening the mental and emotional health, along with the financial and character integrity of anyone who is hired into a critical political position no different than what all high risk industries are, by law or ethics, required to do.

This is how we collectively heal and take our power back as people and as a nation and get us back on track to allow us equally and unhindered to act freely on our divine rights we collectively work for, deserve, and pay for to pursue life, liberty, and happiness

Read more here on the tactics of toxic people and what to watch out for.

Profound Lessons on Humanity and Healing after the United States Presidential Election


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

I am going to start this article with the following excerpts from the description of the mission and vision at the Yourlifelifter Facebook Page. You will see in a moment why.

“Yourlifelifter is a specialized healing and information center for narcissistic abuse survivors and others seeking emotional freedom.”

“Yourlifelifter was founded by Evelyn Ryan, a Certified Professional Life Coach, ACE-Certified Health Coach, abuse recovery expert, author, businesswoman, mother, researcher, master problem solver, and a survivor who has a passion for truth.”

“Evelyn uses her skills and knowledge gained from over 20 years of study on abuse, emotional health, and personality and pain disorders and 35 years of experience as an authority in solving problems in high risk industries to get to the SPECIFIC root causes of pain-addiction, faulty thinking, low self-worth, toxic shame and other repressed pain that abuse victims suffer throughout their childhood and their…

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Terrorism, Politics, and the Pandemic of World-Wide Narcissism


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“We are a world in crisis because we have not improved our wounded faulty thinking. Because we as a collective have not healed and have not effectively battled the ‘evil’ component of humanity and society who we continue to birth, promote, be exploited by, vote for in key decision-making positions, and allow to promulgate.”

th-2This article attempts to answer simply the following complex questions:

  • Why are narcissism and terrorism so prevalent in society:
  • Why hasn’t anything been done about them; and
  • What can we do about them?
Let’s look closer at the answers.


Why is Pathological Narcissism on the Rise?

Experts and researchers speculate the use of technology and social media as contributing factors to the significantly decreasing rates of empathy and increased narcissism among younger generations over the past 40 years.  I agree, however, they do not identify the root causes that need to be addressed to…

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What Causes Malignant Narcissism?


imgres-3Well, the experts are not exactly sure and frequently argue the causes between nature and nurture. Some say genetic disposition. Some say abuse, specifically invalidation including neglect and coddling, the same things in actuality that damage children who go on to become abused adults and targets of narcissists.

One thing for sure is that both the narcissists and their targets suffer from deep seated pain and the environmental causes may be the same, however, one child become a narcissistic, a predator, and the other becomes a target, a victim, neurotic. Another fundamental difference is that the neurotic can heal and the narcissist cannot.

Preeminent neuroscientist, Dr. James Fallon reports in “Crime Talk” that we are genetically predisposed to narcissism, empathy and psychopathy. His research discovered that narcissists and psychopaths are genetically predisposed to aggression, violence and lacking compassion and for psychopaths, lacking conscience. The pleasure centers of their brains are also affected so narcissists and psychopaths do not…

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Codependency Does Not Cause Abuse


th-27I’d like to clarify what I think is a huge misperception on codependency, healing, victimhood, and sources of emotional pain.

Abusers find us. We do not find them and we do not deserve disrespectful, abusive, damaging treatment. There is not something wrong with us that makes us deserving of abuse or pain. Abusers abuse us because we think like victims and unknowingly give up our power to them.

Codependency tendencies and what author and therapist Ross Rosenberg now more accurately describes as “Self-Love Deficit” do not cause abuse. Codependency is a consequence of abuse because abuse mucks with our self-esteem and feelings of self-power. We learn to not trust our own selves for validation of our worth and instead turn externally to others to define us and decide what is acceptable in us. Codependency is a learned maladaptive coping mechanism that replaces what should be internal motivating behavioral controls and emotions we rely on and…

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Why the Narcissist’s Leaving is a Blessing


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

blessingsI’d like to clarify a huge misperception related to relationships, narcissists, and abandonment that will help facilitate recovery for narcissistic abuse survivors.

Now, any normal human being would think that if the person they love abandons them and leaves (for no obvious or apparent reason), then something is wrong with me not them. The normal human reaction to abandonment and betrayal is shame, specifically self-blame, self-hate, self-loathing and even self-sabotage.

Well, I am here to tell you that in relationships with narcissists, not only is this NOT accurate, it is totally false and this is why?

We are dealing with pathologically disordered, manipulative, covert, aggressive, slick individuals who lack compassion and empathy. So situations with “narcissists leaving” and in fact nothing dealing with narcissists is “normal.”

And the reality of a narcissist’s leaving, which is, in fact, a blessing, goes more like this:

Scenario #1 – We Tell Them to Leave

We don’t have to wait till the narcissists…

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Tips to Know When You’re Being Used and How to Protect Yourself (Especially for Empaths)

Maslows-Hierarchy-of-NeedsWe all have basic needs for survival regardless of our level of privilege, status, and title. These include, food, love, shelter, safety, self-actualization (achieving your potential, happiness). To meet these needs, sometimes we give and sometimes we take because our living conditions change. Bad things happen to good people, right? Nothing is ever static.

So “mooching” clearly is part of the human condition and part of all relationships and our existence as individuals and as a society since we exist as a nation (and no longer live in tribes and a feudal system). No one, poor or rich, privileged or not, is immune to “mooching.” Some of us because of disabilities or hardships may have to legitimately mooch more than others because we are not physically able to create, generate or return the resources we need to support our basic needs.

Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 2.05.17 PMWhen Can Mooching Get Out of Hand?

So, we all have to mooch sometime in order to survive, however, when the give and take become unbalanced for long periods of time is when things go to hell in a hand basket. Why? Because now someone is benefitting to have their needs met and taking value without working to put the resources back. We can’t borrow from the coffee fund forever, right? When this happens, resources that exist and have been worked for to support our individual or collective survival and rights are put at risk of being depleted. This is when mooching becomes harmful and for some the consequences can be devastating.

Disparities in character and emotional fitness can cause power imbalance in any abusive family, organization, government, political party, employer, relationship where the members use their authority to exploit the rights of the vulnerable to benefit themselves. These moochers, then, interfere with our rights to life, liberty, and happiness by exploiting resources that prevent us to act on those rights. Governments, for example, use political authority to get our support or votes or to manipulate the media; in employment, job status and authority to keep us sub-servant; and in families and relationships, love and acceptance to abuse and exploit us. Be aware too that the number of toxic moochers is at all time highs.

Toxic Moochers are on the Rise

Toxic moochers are on the rise because narcissism is now a world-wide pandemic.  It has infiltrated all aspects or our lives and is rampant in “good deed” communities like politics, the medical community, churches, and even fundraising organizations where many emotional manipulators can exist for years going unnoticed, providing illusions of generosity and “goodness” and feeding off the unlimited supply of power and energy of innocent members of the community while hiding true intentions of superiority and self-righteousness. Gary Bell, a valued community member at Yourlifelifter describes it perfectly, “Service organizations frequently come to be fraternal organizations with a bit of charity work to make it seem legit – fraternity and sorority houses for ‘grownups.’”

Narcissists are even posing as healers on Facebook. What better people to target than the vulnerable wounded ones they harmed who admittedly need help and whom they continue to abuse and exploit “by proxy” by posing as a healers? What a novel idea, right? Well, it is not so novel. It may be pretty new to Facebook but narcissists infiltrated the medical and psychological professions a long long time ago like pedophiles infiltrated the priesthood.

Read more here on narcissists posing as healers.

Kathy Krajco, a formidable pioneer in educating the world on narcissism and narcissistic abuse, describes in What Makes Narcissists Tick how the “helping professions” that supply an abundance of vulnerable prey attract pathological narcissists. Kathy cautions us to “think not only of vulnerable children in the case of teachers but also vulnerable children or grieving and hurt adults in the case of priests and ministers. Think of the vulnerable patients supplied to psychiatrists.” She also warns us about the serious problem narcissism poses in the public sector and private nonprofit institutions that use the do-gooder and moral elitist facade to cloak their true self-righteous intentions to not do good but to be “seen as doing good” and “show how good they are by pointing at someone else and telling them how bad they are.” Politics, she points out, “is an ideal arena for narcissists…the list of them who have conned whole nations to become dictators is breathtaking.”

images-3Who is Most Vulnerable to Moochers

Moochers, however, can especially be harmful to people with trusting  and compassionate personalities like empaths who are also prone to co-dependency. Read more on empaths here. Empaths are also vulnerable to the manipulation tactics of those with aggressive personalities like narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths.

According to Dr. Jane McGregor, empaths are ordinary people who are highly perceptive and insightful and belong to the 40% of human beings who sense when something’s not right, who respond to their gut instinct, and who take action and speak up. They frequently like the child in the The Emperor’s New Clothes, will tell the truth and expose lies and wrong doing and are targets of scapegoaters, bullies, narcissists, and sociopaths who are driven by exaggerated envy and fear of shame, lack of compassion, and the inability to self-sooth.

Read more here on why and how they target empaths.

Dr. McGregor describes that empaths have trouble comprehending a closed mind and lack of compassion in others. This inability to see the “bad” in others also significantly enhances their vulnerability to attacks from emotional vampires throughout their lives. As a result, empaths can be targeted easily by energy vampires such as scapegoaters, bullies, narcissists, and sociopaths who enlist other uncompassionate and apathetic people in their wrong-doing.

Listen and learn more on “The Toxic Tango of Empaths and Narcissists.

images-2Kim Saeed, a narcissistic abuse recovery expert, says that narcissists prey on empaths and highly sensitive people. Empaths operate predominately from love, humility, and giving. They have a natural capacity for healing and teaching others. However, until they learn how to responsibly use those gifts, they are often taken advantage of…not only by romantic partners, but people in general. Further, empaths have a track record of developing codependent behaviors in childhood to deal with the overwhelming unfairness in the world and to please others, which they usually carry into their adult relationships. It is easy to see, then, how empaths who were abused as children can develop exaggerated codependency issues and dependence on others to define their worth.

What Can We Do to Protect Ourselves

10978510_362341267284154_1787609046267314286_n-1We can educate ourselves on narcissism and how to protect ourselves from toxic people and learn to rely more confidently on our emotional intelligence. So, if your gut instinct tells you there is something fishy going on, then trust it, don’t ignore your inner voice or second guess yourself, be cautious, and if the not so good feelings in your gut start to outnumber the truly rewarding ones, then run for the hills.

Read more here on what we can do as a person, a people, and a nation.

Do “do good” organizations do good for the community?  Possibly, but beware the true intent of their members! Is it to simply give back to and benefit the community which was my sole personal objective or are there “hidden” underlying objectives? Look closely at their actions and do not assume their intentions, like yours, are good ones. Fact check! The more important question to answer is to determine why the members are really there? Does their objective for being there and donating their time align with yours? Look how they routinely treat all members. Do they play favorites? Are there cliques that seem to manipulate all the decisions in the organization to favor themselves and those in the clique at the expense of others? Do they portray in their home lives the ethics and moral codes of the organization? Do their actions contradict their thoughts and words and vice versa?

Read more here to learn how to identify emotional vampires in your life.

Think CriticallyThe point is this. Anyone can provide an illusion of doing good by hiding in a “do good” organization or even places of worship that are really filled with manipulative covert aggressive self-righteous people who are exploiting others and are languishing in their superiority over the “needy” they profess to help and are providing a very toxic and emotionally unhealthy environment for its innocent and truly compassionate members who simply are there just to “do good.” Wolves can be cloaked in many versions of sheep’s clothing and snakes can be cloaked in many colors of suits. So it doesn’t matter how appealing it “looks” or “sounds” even if there is a handsome “shiny as a new penny” person at the helm or is a rich Presidential candidate in a $2000 suit…..if it looks like, if it smells like, it is. And if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Read more here on what we can do as a person, a people, and a nation.

So we must remain vigilant and confident in our personal power. And never forget that truth is truth and never again let anyone manipulate you into compromising yours even if they appear as glittered “do gooders.”

th-2You cannot polish a turd, folks, but you can roll it in glitter and nevertheless it will remain a turd and the smell lingers. Don’t be fooled by the glitter. It is all an unsustainable illusion. Truth, on the other hand IS like gold. It can tarnish but will never lose its brilliance or value.

How can We Learn to Protect Ourselves?

Empaths can no sooner lose their compassion and emotional intelligence as to permanently change their skin color. But we can easily hone these special abilities (which our parents should have taught us) and learn to distinguish the “good moochers” in authentic need from the “toxic moochers” who merely want to exploit us and benefit at our expense.

“Good moochers” are normal adaptive and authentic people. Authentically good people mindfully take from others only when they absolutely have to in order to survive and return the resources they take when and if they are able. They care about how their actions impact others. They are grateful, appreciative. The “bad moochers,” on the other hand, mooch because they simply and knowingly want to exploit resources from you and benefit from them without earning them, working for them, returning them, or replacing them when they are fully capable of doing so. They do not care how this impacts the person or persons they are exploiting. They are not grateful because they believe in their distorted minds they are entitled to all the benefits without working for or returning them.

In a world of increased narcissism and decreased empathy, how can we discern12-Traits-of-Truly-Authentic-People-2-768x768 genuine, authentic people from manipulators and truth from their perfected lies they present in our newsfeeds? How can we distinguish one from the other, the truly good people from the “glittered turds, facts from manipulative emotive lies that trigger our fear- and ego-based emotions?”

Here are some tips to help you how:

Traits of Authentic People

The following is a list of 12 characteristics of authentic people derived from the research and personal experiences of psychotherapist, Kristi Tackett-Newburg. With practice you can hone your “compassion radar” to readily identify persons authentically in need become less vulnerable to the attacks and less attractive as a target to toxic moochers.

Authentic: Not false or copied; genuine; real; representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified.

  1. Their Words and Actions Align.
  2. They Are Transparent, Honest, and Assertive.  
  3. They Demonstrate Reciprocity in Relationships.
  4. They Are Open-Minded.
  5. They Make You Feel at Ease.
  6. They Are Not Superficial.
  7. They Are Not Swayed by Material Objects.
  8. They Take Personal Responsibility.
  9. They Cultivate Meaningful Relationships.
  10. They Are Not Driven by Ego.
  11. They Have Strong Character.
  12. They Live in the Moment and Create Their Own Paths.

You can read more details on these traits in “Don’t Be Fooled by Smoke and Mirrors: 12 Traits of Truly Authentic People.”

Read more on how to develop integrity of character and authenticity.

How to Identify and Deal with Toxic People

You can expect bad “moochers,” commonly referred to as toxic people, to be covertly or overtly aggressive in nature yet weak in character. With practice you can hone your “narc radar” to readily identify them, learn to manage personal boundaries, and become less vulnerable to their attacks and less attractive as a target.

In “Useful Tips to Identify Toxic People in Your Life,”  I provide 15 simple and very effective tips to help you identify manipulation tactics of toxic people and distinguish authentically virtuous and competent people from the emotional vampires who exploit power, value, credit, attention, or whatever they need from you.

Learning to recognize these toxic individuals and distinguishing them from authentic people, managing boundaries, and learning to say no can be instrumental in helping us all take our power back, learn to use our compassion responsibly,  prevent our exploitation from emotional moochers,  and living the joy-filled lives we were put on this earth to live.

How to Effectively Identify and Deal with Emotional Moochers


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

I read something disconcerting today. Someone was making derogatory comments about people in need and taking handouts, what we commonly refer to as “moochers.” Here are my thoughts relating to mooching as it applies to emotional health, relationships and current events permeating our lives.

What is Mooching?

Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 2.05.17 PM

Mooching is a necessary part of the human condition we need for survival that no one is immune to and exempt from regardless of beliefs, religion, color, creed, sex, political affiliation, societal status, or title. It, can, however become extremely harmful in the wrong hands by those who have no legitimate need and who mooch at your expense to benefit themselves without working to earn or return those benefits.

Exploitation and power imbalanced situations can come in many forms because “moochers” can come packaged differently. We can have a single abusive or toxic mate, lover, co-worker, an annoying troll on social…

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2 Part show on “Narcissists Posing as Healers” Airing May 22 and 23 on Mental Health News Radio

NarcHealer1Inspired by Shahida Arabi’s incredible article “5 SIGNS YOU’RE DEALING WITH A NARCISSISTIC “HEALER,” THERAPIST OR GURU,” join Evelyn Ryan and Kristin Walker on Mental Health News Radio to discuss what you need to watch out for.

This 2 part discussion is one our best shows on this timely topic and based on real life events with toxic “healers.” Every person affected by the ridiculous, obsurd, and dangerous emotional rapists that are the truly disordered needs to listen to this show.

Evelyn Ryan is the author of Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips, and Tools for Abuse Survivors and life coach for narcissistic abuse survivors at www.yourlifelifter.com. Kristin Walker is the host of Mental Health News Radio and CEO of Mental Health News Radio Network.

Listen to Part 1 at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mentalhealthnews/2018/05/22/signs-youre-dealing-with-a-narcissistic-healer-therapist-or-guru-part-i

Listen to Part 2 at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mentalhealthnews/2018/05/23/signs-youre-dealing-with-a-narcissistic-healer-therapist-or-guru-part-ii

Heal the World? Heal Yourself.


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

th-2We routinely have people in positions of authority in our lives deliberately and intentionally creating confusion and power imbalance to play on our vulnerabilities. Now these exploitive human parasites who I call “glittered turds” cannot announce to you and the world their true intent can they? How then would they be able to con you to let your protective boundaries down and get you to do all the work while they benefit and manipulate from you what they feel in their sick compassionless minds they are entitled to take at your and your children’s and, in fact, the world’s expense.

Read more here on how the world needs to heal and take its power back.

Yes, folks. Evil people do exist and they do come masked as all you ever wanted and they play and bank on your basic needs discussed below to do so.

images-2Do You…

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How to Effectively Identify and Deal with Emotional Moochers

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

I read something disconcerting today. Someone was making derogatory comments about people in need and taking handouts, what we commonly refer to as “moochers.” Here are my thoughts relating to mooching as it applies to emotional health, relationships and current events permeating our lives.

What is Mooching?

Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 2.05.17 PM

Mooching is a necessary part of the human condition we need for survival that no one is immune to and exempt from regardless of beliefs, religion, color, creed, sex, political affiliation, societal status, or title. It, can, however become extremely harmful in the wrong hands by those who have no legitimate need and who mooch at your expense to benefit themselves without working to earn or return those benefits.

Exploitation and power imbalanced situations can come in many forms because “moochers” can come packaged differently. We can have a single abusive or toxic mate, lover, co-worker, an annoying troll on social media, spouse or we can be exposed to toxicity and power imbalance in toxic “groups” that also come in all forms – families, work groups, religious groups, political groups, or what I experienced recently, a branch of a world-wide fundraising organization that is over 100 years old.  So I’d like to warn you that when it comes to moochers, all that glitters is not gold. This is why.

Basic Needs for Survival


Humans all have basic needs for survival regardless of our level of privilege, status, and title. These include, food, love, shelter, safety, self-actualization (achieving your potential, happiness). To meet these needs, sometimes we give and sometimes we take because our living conditions change. Bad things happen to good people, right? Nothing is ever static.

So “mooching” clearly is part of the human condition and part of all relationships and our existence as individuals and as a society since we exist as a nation (and no longer live in tribes and a feudal system). No one is immune, poor or rich, privileged or not from “mooching.” Some of us because of disabilities or hardships may have to legitimately mooch more than others because we are not able to create, generate or return the resources we need to support our basic needs.

When Can Mooching Get Out of Hand?

So, we all have to mooch sometime in order to survive, however, when the give and take become unbalanced for long periods of time is when things go to hell in a hand basket. Why? Because now someone is benefitting to have their needs met and taking value without working to put it back. When this happens, resources that exist and have been worked for to support our individual or collective survival and rights are put at risk of being depleted. This is when mooching becomes harmful.

Disparities in character and emotional fitness can cause power imbalance in any abusive family, organization, government, political party, employer, relationship where the members use their authority to exploit the rights of the vulnerable to benefit themselves. These moochers, then, interfere with our rights to life, liberty, and happiness by exploiting resources that allow us to act on those rights. Governments, for example, use  political authority to get our support or votes;  in employment, job status and authority to keep us sub-serviant; and in families, love, acceptance to abuse us. All test and demonstrate integrity of character including compassion and empathy and the level of emotional fitness of all participating members, givers and takers alike.

Read more here on how narcissists target and exploit empaths.

Is Mooching Acceptable?

The intent of the moocher and degree and purpose of the mooching measure the harm and acceptability of the mooching. For example:

  • Is it to feed your starving children when you authentically are not able to for a week, month, year, 15 years or are you gaming the system for free handouts?
  • Is it to feed your insatiable ego because you believe in your disordered mind you are entitled to exploit not what you need but what you want and believe you are entitled to indefinitely?
  • Is the person begging for money who looks homeless at the intersection seriously homeless due to conditions outside of his or her control or is he/she exploiting people’s blind sympathy and generosity and driving off in a shiny new BMW at the end of the day?
  • Are you running an honest campaign from the heart and with authentic duty to the greater good or by knowingly and intentionlly lying and making false promises to your constituents and exploiting their fears to win in order to abuse the authority you have in that position to benefit yourself?
  • Are you a member of a legitimate fund raising organization that authentically gives back to and benefits the community or are you using the organization as a facade for “do-gooders and moral elitists” to cloak your true self-righteous intentions to not do good but to be “seen as doing good” and “show how good you are by pointing at someone else and telling them how bad they are?”

image_9b4104a5-5826-467a-b244-2a5656254add20180313_191333Which of these conditions appear morally acceptable, reasonable, rational, necessary for survival and which cloak the depraved, criminal and parasitic and disordered, pathological, exploitive?

Learning the differences between good moochers and exploitive ones who camouflage their real intent can be critical to your emotional health, happiness, and well-being.

Why are Bad “Moochers” Successful?

There are huge differences in value between 24, 18, 14, and 10 carat gold, gold filled, gold dipped, fool’s gold and glittered turds, however on the outside they all can be made to look equal. Emotional vampires, of course, know this. Their natures are to be parasitic. They use camouflage to avoid being exposed and to pass themselves off as virtuous, loving, caring, competent people, the proverbial “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” They also give meaning to “the Devil comes cloaked as everything you ever wanted.”
They, unlike authentic people, do not honestly ask you to donate or give to them what they need because their appetites are insatiable. They cannot verbally announce their true intentions to their hosts, can they? Instead they have developed strategies to steal your time, money, adulation, attention, stature, credit, votes, and whatever they need and want from you and feel entitled to. They have developed a portfolio of manipulation and covert aggressive “combat” tactics to exploit, con, take, steal whatever they need to function and cannot supply and do not want to supply to themselves or work for. A parasite to be successful cannot tell you it is going to parasitize and prey on you, can it? And like all parasites, they use effective camouflage and stealth so by the time you discover them, unfortunately, the damage is done. You have been infested by exploitive moochers. You have become depleted of useful resources or even emotionally fatigued or worse, traumatized that all impact your survival and your rights to happiness and fulfillment.

These emotional vampires have learned to be effective thieves in order to survive, however, in reality they are very predictable and easy to detect if you know what to look for.

Good Versus Bad Moochers – Traits of Authentic Versus Toxic People12-Traits-of-Truly-Authentic-People-2-768x768


“Good moochers” are normal adaptive and authentic people. Authentically good people mindfully take from others only when they absolutely have to in order to survive and return the resources they take when they are able. They care about how their actions impact others. The “bad moochers,” on the other hand, mooch because they simply want to exploit resources from you and benefit from them without earning them or replacing them. They do not care how this impacts the person or persons they are exploiting.

In a world of increased narcissism and a decreased empathy, how can we discern genuine, authentic people from manipulators including believe the perfected lies they present in our newsfeeds? How can we distinguish one from the other, the truly good people from the “glittered turds?”

Traits of Authentic People

The following is a list of 12 characteristics of authentic people derived from the research and personal experiences of psychotherapist, Kristi Tackett-Newburg.

Authentic: Not false or copied; genuine; real; representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified.

  1. Their Words and Actions Align.
  2. They Are Transparent, Honest, and Assertive.  
  3. They Demonstrate Reciprocity in Relationships.
  4. They Are Open-Minded.
  5. They Make You Feel at Ease.
  6. They Are Not Superficial.
  7. They Are Not Swayed by Material Objects.
  8. They Take Personal Responsibility.
  9. They Cultivate Meaningful Relationships.
  10. They Are Not Driven by Ego.
  11. They Have Strong Character.
  12. They Live in the Moment and Create Their Own Paths.

You can read more details on these traits in “Don’t Be Fooled by Smoke and Mirrors: 12 Traits of Truly Authentic People.”

Read more on how to develop integrity of character and authenticity.

15 Tips to Identify Toxic People

You can expect bad “moochers,” commonly referred to as toxic people, to be covertly or overtly aggressive in nature yet weak in character. With practice you can hone your “narc radar” to readily identify them and become less vulnerable to their attacks and less attractive as a target.

In “Useful Tips to Identify Toxic People in Your Life,”  I provide 15 simple and very effective tips to help you identify manipulation tactics of toxic people and distinguish authentically virtuous and competent people from the emotional vampires who exploit power, value, credit, attention, or whatever they need from you.
Learning to recognize these toxic individuals, managing boundaries, and learning to say no can be instrumental in helping us all take our power back, learn to use our compassion responsibly, and prevent our exploitation from emotional moochers.

Useful Tips to Identify Toxic People in Your Life


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter
th-4I write frequently about the damage of narcissistic abuse in families and the pandemic of pathological narcissism across the world. I am also committed to help people not only heal from narcissistic abuse but also protect themselves from the immeasurable harm from toxic people, relationships, and environments. In fact, these lessons are pretty easy to learn especially when people come to understand how weak and powerless and detectable toxic people really are.
You can expect toxic people to be covertly or overtly aggressive in nature yet weak in character. Instead of working to build wisdom and the abilities to sustain themselves, they have learned how to play on people’s trusting nature and compassion to steal power from them they cannot source themselves. In relationships, these narcissistic personalities use love as their camouflage. They want all the benefits of friendship, families, marriage and having children without working for them as well. Sadly these…

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How Do We Remove Toxic People from Our Lives?


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter


You know who they are.

The ones you do not look forward to seeing.

The ones who demand EVERYONE’s attention…always.

The ones YOU must accommodate or you will “hear” about it.

The ones who sit quietly in meetings. That is until the end and repeat what you or someone else said or disagree with it with panache just to make you look bad.

The ones who can suck the air out of a room.

They are everywhere – work, church, your neighborhood, your family, your home.

romans-2How do we remove them from our lives?

Well, the answer is pretty simple.



We can’t change them but we can very easily take actions to minimize their deleterious effects on us.

This is how.

th-1It is called the Time – Distance –  Shielding (TDS) rule and it is used to control hazards in industries world-wide. It works just as effectively with people.

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How Do We Acquire Personal Power and Worth?

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“Faulty thinking about our power and worth can cause us to routinely choose one harmful experience over another rather than focus on pursuing joyful ones we deserve. We then learn to survive with less than reliable skills, knowledge and abilities that we replace with self-gratification and reliance on less than reliable people.”

The Key Factors that Affect our Personal Power and Worth

Maslows-Hierarchy-of-NeedsRegardless of who we are, our human needs including our personal quest for happiness are the same. Why? That is how our bodies and minds are designed, to find truth and to achieve the resources we need to find it and adapt with the adversity we deal with along the way. However, our experiences, opportunities, resilience, obstacles, intelligence, education, and cultures that significantly impact our happiness are all different. One thing is for sure. If we are unable to source our personal power to effectively deal with the obstacles as well as pursue opportunities to being our best, achieving happiness will be impossible.

Let’s explore the following 4 key factors to achieving our personal power and worth further:

  1. Perception of obstacles and opportunities;
  2. Perception of our abilities to deal with them;
  3. Ability to set goals; and
  4. Knowledge we are worthy of achieving them.

How Perceptions Can Sabotage Happiness

starving soul hungerOnce our souls are nourished, we feel complete – happy – content – valued. We know how being liked, loved and desired makes us feel. We set and achieve goals because we know we can achieve them and how achieving them makes us feel and that we are worthy of the outcomes.

However, too much emotional toxicity or pain along with distorted thinking can starve the spirit for nourishment and exceed the pain threshold our brains were designed to handle. We get stuck in a pain seeking and pain avoiding state rather than use the experiences to acquire knowledge that will benefit us. We become emotionally malnourished. And when our souls are not nourished or are depleted such as from abuse, overwork, and invalidation, we feel trapped, inadequate, and become unhappy, emotionally fatigued, depressed, sad and, even worse, traumatized. We get stuck in painful situations that do not fulfill us and that we do not learn from. We never learn to develop our skills, knowledge and abilities that fuel our souls and sustain our being. We and our power sources become depleted rather than nourished and replenished.

Read more on nourishing our souls.

Faulty thinking about our power and worth can cause us to routinely choose one harmful experience over another rather than focus on pursuing joyful ones we deserve. We then maladapt and learn to survive with less than reliable skills, knowledge and abilities that we replace with self-gratification and reliance on less than reliable people. While these may bring immediate relief and temporary satisfaction, they do not contribute to long term sustainable happiness or personal growth and they do not help to build self-reliance. The mind and spirit will become traumatized and malnourished and you will become emotionally fatigued, exhausted, stressed, or depressed. The brain has remarkable plasticity but it is not good at spontaneous healing.

When our souls are routinely starved, we also run the risk of 4 things:

  1. Believing falsely we are the source of the ensuing pain and discomfort; and/or
  2. Blaming something or someone else for them;
  3. Feeling unsafe in our own bodies; and
  4. Relying on unreliable others to define and validate our worth and alleviate our pain.

All harm us more because they cause us to feel more pain and stop us from taking action or changing our thoughts that we need to achieve goals, alleviate the pain, learn from and that nurture us and sustain our joy. Healing requires growth. Growth requires hard work to heal. Building resilience requires healing.  So you cannot heal and grow at the same level of thinking that causes your chronic emotional pain.

Sustained emotional stress also results in more physical damage to the body because the human body is comprised of integrated interdependent systems. The neurological system is connected and interrelated to all the body’s systems, hence, healthy body, healthy mind and vice versa. In essence, when you mess with nature, you mess with your own divine authentic and integrated design. To be happy we have to learn and embrace a healthy life style that includes not only our physical fitness but also our fitness related to our achievements and relationships, dealing with adversity, and our emotional health.

Learning to become the best we can be, nevertheless, is a life long process and takes hard work and courage. Read more on authenticity and building character in The Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power, and Authenticity.

Dealing with Obstacles to Acquiring Personal Power

We muston-healing-cropped-jpg be able to acquire wisdom through hard work to be able to take down the barriers that lie to us and tell us falsely we are unworthy of better and are powerless to the barriers or to whatever triggers our pain. Yes, we should be taught to deal with these emotional unpleasantries in childhood so we had a mature and effective toolkit of coping skills we could pull from to deal with adversity, however, unfortunately many of us, and I would say most, were not. Our own emotions can go haywire and become toxic as a result. We, instead, can maladapt and unknowingly learn to sabotage our own health and happiness.

Remember. When we know better and that we are worthy of the knowledge then we do better. This is also why working to build self-worth and self-compassion, which many of us are unfamiliar with and in childhood may have even been punished for or discouraged from learning, can open the flood gates to healing and personal growth and development. Read more on self-compassion and self-care here.

We can also easily get stuck in our character development and emotional development and maturity when we are blind to opportunities that will benefit us. We may not set and achieve goals because we may not believe we can achieve them or are worthy of achieving them. Hence, we are not able to clearly see their value. Opportunities for learning that can bring much value and personal growth and development are, then, lost. What are these barriers that can blind us and prevent us to become the best we can be? Here is a list of some but not all of the common ones we all frequently deal with:

  • Comfort with status quo
  • Inability to delay gratification/ no will power
  • Familiarity/normalization of discomfort/dysfunction
  • Fear
  • Laziness
  • Ego-driven needs
  • False beliefs related to personal power
  • Skewed perception
  • Lack of resources
  • Lack of a support system
  • Need for acceptance
  • Character disorders
  • Low “selfs:” Low self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect
  • Too much shame
  • Self-righteousness
  • Fear of success/Fear of failure
  • Grandiosity/High level of unhealthy narcissism

Goals Help Us Convert Work to WisdomST-21-1_-1

Notice that all of the items in this list above relate to obstacles to success we routinely have to deal with like faulty thinking, pain, fears, and discomfort. So this is why it takes hard work and courage to build character and to heal, to change, to adapt to adversity, and to be able to source and build your authentic personal power.

We convert our work and our efforts and our discomfort into lessons learned that enhance our skills, knowledge and abilities including our optimism, will power, and critical thinking. We then use these to drive our decisions and beliefs and chisel our characters that we source for power and resilience to set and achieve goals that benefit us and that we are confident we can attain and know we are worthy of attaining. We are happiest when we are setting goals and working to achieve them that our brains were specifically designed for. Making mistakes along the way and course and thought correcting are how we develop and mature our skills, knowledge and abilities as well as the personality and character qualities and the corresponding belief systems on which they rely. So the integrity of our beliefs impacts our personal power including our self-worth and vice versa. This is how we become who we were put on this earth to be and how we learn to integrate into society, work, and relate to ourselves and others in healthy ways. In the process, we learn to develop, rely, build, and sustain our authentic power and draw on it confidently when any challenge that warrants it arises. This process allows us to act on our legal rights and free will to pursue unhindered what makes us happy. Developing personal power, in addition, supports our adaptability to change and unpleasant people and situations and not fear them.

12744552_10153491263859895_1023025528576497643_nHow Do We Maximize Our Personal Power and Self-Worth

Well, we not only have to work hard to develop personal power and worth, but we also have to ensure the depth and breadth of our experiences and the accompanying challenges they offer us. The harder and more varied the challenges, the more valuable the lessons. The more valuable the lessons, the higher the integrity of our beliefs and character and the better our decision making and thinking abilities become. We also learn in the process how to rely comfortably on our emotions as gauges of our success. It’s like building physical strength by challenging our muscles with increasing weights and varying the workout routines. Our personal strengths and worth similarly need to be worked and challenged to develop and mature. However, the environment, challenges, people, relationships and we ourselves are constantly changing. What this indicates is that we have to take risks, get out of our comfort zones, experience discomfort, and continuously work to improve and sustain our personal self-worth and our power through our lives. The Five Pillars of Personal Worth and Power, outlined below, allow us to comfortably accomplish this.


  • Integrity of Character
  • Competence
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Emotional and Physical Fitness
  • Adaptability

I explore these in greater depth in The Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power, and Authenticity.

Am I The Narcissist?


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

I hear frequently from readers who fear they are the narcissist and the one with the personality disorder.

My answer?

“Absolutely not!”

This distorted thinking is a consequence of prolonged abuse that started in childhood and its traumatic impacts on your beliefs, self-worth, self-assurance, gauges of reasoning, and your abilities to trust and regulate your emotions.

The fact that you would even be concerned about this, demonstrates that your emotional capabilities although skewed, are intact.

Prolonged narcissistic abuse is slick invalidation from emotional vampires – carefully planned and premeditated efforts to stealthily through covert aggressive combat maneuvers, take everything valuable that you have to offer (your love, trust, compassion, beauty, generosity, child-bearing abilities, finances, or whatever) that they can manipulate from you to provide an illusion of grandeur and greatness to the world without any of the work.

When we do, we give up our power and energy that…

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Why Abuse Survivors Can Become Notorious Boundary Violators

an, Yourlifelifter

“The nicest of people in a maladaptive wounded state who have the best of intentions must be mindful of honoring other people’s personal rights while they are learning to not only manage their own boundaries but to respect other’s as well.”


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“The nicest of people in a maladaptive wounded state who have the best of intentions must be mindful of honoring other people’s personal rights while they are learning to not only manage their own boundaries but to respect other’s as well.”

A very important and not so obvious lesson relates to the challenges of managing boundaries for those with codependent tendencies, heavily reliant on others for self-worth.

Case in point. An abuse survivor who is far into her healing journey is called daily by a life-long friend who is a serious codependent and who uses her friend’s power to sustain herself but does not work on building her who own self-assuredness to help her through her personal issues.

Case in point. An abuse survivor with admitted over dependence on others for validation, goes to her sister to let her know how her non-traditional therapy went and was told by her sister never to…

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How Do We Heal and Mourn After the Loss of a Narcissist?


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“We, in essence, have to heal and grieve from multiple doses of betrayal and the accompanying toxic shame and self-loathing and exaggerated feelings of powerlessness.”


Narcissistic abuse survivors are frequently told to “get over it and move on.” This is not only ridiculous and inappropriate, it is also impossible. Abuse victims have suffered from extreme trauma. Understanding that the people we loved never existed and will never be the people we want and need them to be present huge challenges to victims of narcissistic abuse.


Narcissist abuse survivors are left with significant inner conflicts because they are faced with mourning someone they loved who will never relieve or take responsibility for the trauma they inflicted on us and who will not ever return the love our hearts long for. Our attackers have, in effect, gotten away with “murder” they were not held accountable for. Emotionally, these can pose serious healing challenges to the surviving victims.


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How Abusive Childhoods Cause Us to Sabotage Our Health and Happiness


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“We all have inalienable rights to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Absolutely we do. However, if we are prevented from pursuing them because we have damaged the only vessel that we have to travel in that journey, we are sabotaging not only our own health and happiness but also our children’s by teaching them the same maladaptive unhealthy thinking patterns and beliefs. And, frankly, we and our children all deserve so much better.”

th-12The article, “The Damaging Effects of Living An Inauthentic Life and How to Change It,” by Tracey Crossley provides probably the most important lesson to adult survivors of childhood abuse on the damaging effects of childhood abuse.

This is why.

Because abuse survivors were punished in youth whenever their authentic selves emerged to protect and care for themselves and they were rewarded for being who their abusers wanted them to be to serve none other than the abusers.

We learned, as a result…

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The Harmful Role of Brain Chemicals and Peptides in Love and Trauma Addiction

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

Cannot heal at same level as painI would like to share some profound information on trauma bonding and the biochemical changes that take place in the brain that enhance our “addiction” to pain and attraction to abusers.

This is life changing information, folks, so read this carefully. We can easily mistake emotional addiction with love. I guarantee you. It is not!

Here is a fascinating article interestingly enough from a criminal profiler who studied love/relationship/trauma addiction. This should help educate you more of the importance of no contact and why the attraction to your abusers is as strong as it is, why you are wounded and not crazy and why you CAN heal and live a happy and healthy life with loving and rewarding relationships!

Phases of Love and Love/Relationship Addiction

by Anthony J. Iantosca, BCFE, IAFEI (as modified by Evelyn Ryan)

Over the last year and a half I have spent a great deal of time in research on Addiction. I have worked with two psychologists and a psychiatrist trying to find a logical explanation for “Love or Relationship Addiction” and why people are drawn to the same types of personalities over and over again.

  • What causes people to stay in abusive relationships with people who abuse them Emotionally, Sexually and Physically?
  • What causes people to long for those who abused them?
  • What causes the intense anxiety to be away from them?

I was taught in my early profiling years, “Tony, we are profilers and investigators. It is not enough to explain to our client when we have detected, identified and analyzed a trait but also what that trait means, what may have caused it and what we can do to help the client to understand it.” Please understand I am not a psychologist nor am I trying to act like one. I am a profiler. I hope this article will help you understand this very complex behavior pattern called, “Love/Relationship Addiction.”

Love and Brain Chemicals

When in love, chemicals in the brain such as dopamine (One of the reasons drugs are called dope) and norepinephrine spark feelings of happiness and excitement within our brain and bodies. Oxytocin levels increase. Cortisol a stress hormone goes down. Kissing, touching, hugging and increased sexual contact keeps dopamine and oxytocin flowing within the brain. It has been noted people who are in love have low levels of serotonin. Interestingly enough, people who have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) are also insensitive to serotonin. So the emotions associated with love can be obsessive as well.

Learn more on toxic relationships here.

Betrayal, Brain Chemicals, and Pain

When someone is betrayed or rejected, this obsession intensifies as memories of the lost love overwhelms the brain. Betrayal keeps serotonin levels low which fuels the “obsession” and stimulates production of dopamine which intensifies the passion. The rejection is also very stressful which increases the production of norepinephrine, a stress hormone.

Read more from trauma authority Dr. Bessel van der Kolk here.

As far as the brain is concerned physical pain and the pain of rejection are the same thing, activating the same areas of the brain. Love “hurts” as much as any physical wound. Most people after a period of time realize they will not get the love or love interest back. Levels of dopamine and serotonin return to normal levels.

Relationship Addiction

We are hard wired to protect ourselves from danger and pain. The Limbic System (Our Emotional Brain) has a very simple protocol called the Freeze, Flight, Fight response that protects us from danger and unpleasant/painful situations. If this is true, then why would we stay in painful and sometimes dangerous relationships? The answer lies in the cellular peptide addiction.

Love and addictions are activated in the emotional limbic system, not the neocortex (logical thinking) part of the brain, hence “There is no logic to emotion.” Within our limbic (emotional) system resides a chemical manufacturing plant called the “hypothalamus” that assembles small amino-acid chain sequences called peptides. Peptides are chemical formations with an exact match to every good or bad emotion we experience in the rational world. It is very important to understand that peptides are highly addictive to our cells.

The cells in our body are not selective. The cells have no preference over “nice emotion” chemicals such as love, joy, bliss or “bad emotion” chemicals such as fear, trauma, shame, guilt, or pain. The cells never judge a peptide as good or bad, the cells simply become addicted based on the peptide’s intensity. The stronger the emotion, positive or negative, the stronger the addiction. It is the largest rush of peptides that get our cells’ attention.

Now this is the crazy part. If the cells do not receive their addicted peptide of choice (such as when you are away from your abuser and not being abused), a little of the peptide is held back by the cell and secreted back into the blood stream. It then travels to our brain neurons which then send messages to our frontal lobes calling up images from the past (Emotional Memories), we start thinking the same thoughts in order to create more of the same peptide that were connected to that positive or negative emotion.

If our brains become accustomed to on and off cycles of periods of abuse followed with “good” moments, our brain are rhythmically conditioned to intermittently make good and bad peptides. So if we start to heal and feel better, the brain releases more of the negative trauma peptides and we feel fear, trauma, shame and longing for the abuser to make it all better again. This is how we become trauma bonded to our abusers and are tricked into thinking our love for them is so so strong and we can’t live without them.


Book Cover Resized for sliderAs a heroin or cocaine junkie is addicted to their drug of choice and the high that it produces in the brain, so is the trauma and relationship addict unknowingly and innocently hooked to the cyclical release of addicting peptides and the painful and harmful emotions it produces. This is the how trauma bonds and post traumatic stress are perpetuated. We stay and are attracted to harmful situations and people are unaware it is a natural product of invisible “cellular peptide addiction.” This is why dealing with these emotions in the rational mind can appear fruitless and why it is so hard to leave and maintain no contact with our abusers.

We must and will in recovery learn to deal with the pain as well as “trick” the brain to make more of the feel good peptides based on improving our own self-worth and accomplishments so we can break these cyclical trauma peptide addictions and replace them with chemically balanced emotionally healthy ones and emotions. We do this by replacing the intense painful peptides with intense happy and feel good peptides and eliminate the ongoing on and off cycles of abuse interspersed with intermittent and s705466_cover_mockup1-1mall moments of feeling good.

This is why no contact, self-care and self-compassion, and surrounding ourselves with kind compassionate people and understanding how the abuse affected us are vital to our healing and recovery.

Learn more about healing from abuse and taking your power back in my book, Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips, and Tools for Abuse Survivors.

How to Survive the Holidays with Narcissists


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

Unknown-2Self-care can be most challenging around the holidays when narcissistic abusers are free to exhibit the best of their worst behaviors and also use the “spirit” of the season to really play on our sympathies, guilt, and exaggerated shame.

After all, our lives had been ones where abusers habitually violated our personal boundaries and we were punished for caring for our own selves and even our basic needs. Our lives used to be and may continue to be ones where our dependence on others to define our self worth, who did/do not have our best interests at heart, caused/cause us to constantly be taken advantage of and exploited. Our abuse and painful histories caused us to abandon and neglect our own selves. It is also most challenging for those of us who also may be dealing with trauma and addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, etc.

Our pain triggers can be taxed when we are tag teamed by a herd of narcissists…

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Narcissists, Character, Work, and Obligation


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

th-15We can see the biggest differences between narcissists and authentically “good” people when it comes to work, commitment, and obligation.

Can a narcissist be nice?


Can a narcissist be charming?

Of course!

Do narcissists have redeeming qualities, talents, skills, abilities?

Sure, they do.

Can narcissists work?

Absolutely. They can work very very hard!


There are tremendous differences between “acting nice,” turning on the charm and intentionally applying your skills, knowledge and abilities to manipulate attention, adulation, power, control, to feed your false or less than intact ego and fill gaps in your broken psyche and to serve only yourself and authentically being nice, generous, compassionate, loving, and honest, and working hard to bring value to others and to your own self that builds one’s personal character.

The Roles of Work and Obligation in Emotional Health and Building Character

starving soul hungerEmotionally healthy people work for what they need to benefit and sustain themselves and those they are in relationships with. In fact…

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Heal the World? Heal Yourself.

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

th-2We routinely have people in positions of authority in our lives deliberately and intentionally creating confusion and power imbalance to play on our vulnerabilities. Now these exploitive human parasites who I call “glittered turds” cannot announce to you and the world their true intent can they? How then would they be able to con you to let your protective boundaries down and get you to do all the work while they benefit and manipulate from you what they feel in their sick compassionless minds they are entitled to take at your and your children’s and, in fact, the world’s expense.

Read more here on how the world needs to heal and take its power back.

Yes, folks. Evil people do exist and they do come masked as all you ever wanted and they play and bank on your basic needs discussed below to do so.

images-2Do You Live from a Core of Truth or Neediness?

Are you one of the vulnerable, the “chronically needy,” or do you live from from a core of power and truth? Are you living as your authentic self and use your personal power and truth to self-sufficiently ensure your needs are met or do you codependently rely on others to define your worth?

Man, women or whoever, we all project onto others and into the world what we believe to be true even if it is a lie. It is just how our minds and bodies work. If life was easy, we would all not try very hard and we would overpopulate the world, wouldn’t we. When we live inauthentic pain-based egoic lives we actually seek out and attract others to validate our pain and our inauthenticity because living in pain has become familiar, comfortable yet maladaptive. worthy-truthThis validation becomes an addictive, easy, and appealing yet unhealthy way to soothe but not heal our pain. It also makes us vulnerable to emotional predators. The same peptides that drive chemical addictions, feed the gratifying temporary alleviation of our pain that we mistake for joy, worth, desirability or worse, love. It may be relieving in the short term but pain addiction will never sustain you because you are living a lie and your body knows it. You are living as a pain-addicted relief-seeking person not one who is living from a core of strength and joy that sustains your body as it was designed to function.

Learn more on what makes being desired, liked and loved possible

The Disordered are Weak, Aggressive and Have No Power

The personality disordered like narcissists and psychopaths have insatiable appetites. These “faulty” humans are morally and emotionally weak, lack compassion, and are not able to source their strength and joy internally and, as a result, have become human parasites who feed off of others’ power. Don’t forget that the parts of the brains of the disordered that plot and scheme and con work perfectly fine.

Learn more how emotional predators target empaths.

They learn to use aggression overtly or covertly to manipulate power from vulnerable, typically emotionally wounded, emotionally unhealthy individuals. We can see the biggest differences between narcissists and authentically good people when it comes to work, commitment, and obligation.  Kathy Krajco, a formidable pioneer in educating the world on narcissism and narcissistic abuse, describes in What Makes Narcissists Tick how the “helping professions” that supply an abundance of vulnerable prey attract pathological narcissists. Kathy cautions us to “think not only of vulnerable children in the case of teachers but also vulnerable children or grieving and hurt adults in the case of priests and ministers. Think of the vulnerable patients supplied to psychiatrists.” She also warns us about the serious problem narcissism poses in the public sector and private nonprofit institutions that use the do-gooder and moral elitist facade to cloak their true self-righteous intentions to not do good but to be “seen as doing good” and “show how good they are by pointing at someone else and telling them how bad they are.” Politics, she points out, “is an ideal arena for narcissists…the list of them who have conned whole nations to become dictators is breathtaking.”

So folks, it is all about us working very hard to become respectful persons of integrity who source our power to supply our needs. This means healing by working on our self-care and self-compassion to focus our energy on us and working hard to build the character qualities that allow us to do so and live as our bodies were designed!! Here are the five pillars of personal worth, power and authenticity that apply to all of use and that we all need to continually work on and improve to become “good” self-sufficient joyful people, parents, friends, citizens, neighbors, coworkers no matter what our creed, religion, sex, financial status, and nationality.

  1. Integrity of Character
  2. Competence
  3. Healthy Relationships
  4. Emotional and Physical Fitness
  5. Adaptability

Read more on the five pillars of personal worth, power and authenticity.

What is Authentic Human Power?

We are all members of the human race and the rules of humanity, peace, and harmony do not change because of logistics or our religions or being in the presence of toxic power hungry persons, the glittered turds who hold authority positions in our family, school, work, church, government, neighborhood, or who clean our teeth. The core to what makes us all human is the same for all because our human needs, regardless of our roots or our titles or social status, are the same and those are basic, simple:

  • Self-actualizationMaslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs
  • Self-esteem
  • Love/Belonging
  • Safety
  • Physiological

And we surely cannot satisfy these needs if we are accustomed to not having these needs supplied, believing falsely we are unworthy, or mistaking instant gratification for true joy.

People with authentic power not only are able to sufficiently ensure these needs are met but they also set and achieve goals to sustain them in the long term and pay it forward to help others achieve their needs and sustain their power as well.

So like Mr. Roberts’ mother who advised him to “look for the helpers,” you, too, look for the helpers and healers, look for the truth seekers and speakers, look for those who use their personal power and compassion authentically and work their back ends off to improve and work on their characters and who help, not exploit, others for their self-serving personal gain. And use 705466_cover_mockup1-1these “good people” as role models as people to emulate and to inspire you to work hard and take your power back, heal, and set the best examples for your children and for your fellow man. And, in turn, become one who others look up to and project back to them, real power, value, joy, authenticity to set the best example of what humanity is about so they too aspire to become self sufficient compassionate authentic powerful self-assured people of high integrity.

Unhealed pain we just transfer to the next generation and shadow on our fellow man. To heal the world, heal yourself and take your power back! That is when the magic starts!

The Natural But Parasitic Nature of Narcissists

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

ParReed_warbler_cuckooasitism is just a nifty, natural, and adaptive but potentially harmful behavior that allows living things to benefit without have to work that hard. It is nothing more than a survival tool that allows a needy living thing to sustain itself at the expense of another. Parasites can exist between different as well as the same species and between different and the same sexes. Living things naturally and innately go through parasitic stages during development when they are dependent on others, such as their parents, to survive. In short, parasitism is just a normal part of life.

One of the most fascinating types of parasitism is “brood parasitism.” Brood parasites depend on other capable yet unaware living things to raise their young. The brood parasite manipulates the unknowing host, using camouflage such as by laying eggs that resemble the host’s in the host’s nest. I will never forget in my early animal behavior studies, the image of the cuckoo bird fledgling (whose parent lays eggs in a Eurasian Weed Warbler’s nest) being fed by its unaware host mother that is about a third of its size! The baby cuckoo actually tosses the Warbler’s eggs out of nest.

The parasite-host relationship, as experts point out, while beneficial to the parasite, damages the host since the host now uses its energy and effort to unknowingly benefit someone “unworthy” that pretends to be what it is not. Sound familiar? It should because it is exactly what pathological narcissists do to survive. The vampire stories of parasitic humans who feast on other humans preempted modern psychology that identified what are now commonly referred to as Cluster B personality disorders where malignant narcissism lies. So we now know, while the vampire stories were anecdotal, they were founded in fact. We now call them pathological narcissists and they, like vampires, are parasites, and more specifically brood parasites.

Why Are Narcissists Parasites?

In short, because they have to be and want to be. Can narcissists have redeeming character traits? Intelligence? Of course they can. But they permanently lack the qualities we as humans need to build and sustain integrity of character and meaningful healthy relationships, and most importantly compassion. At some point in their early development, they permanently lose these capabilities. Their thinking, as a result, becomes warped and disordered, heavily reliant on thinking controlled by the primitive parts of the brain.

Read more here on what causes pathological narcissism.

Others as preyConsequently, narcissists adapt to their disorder and like the cuckoo (no pun intended), become brood parasites in order to survive. They provide an illusion of normalcy while they stealthily manipulate others to, among other things, raise their young. It is a narcissist’s distorted method created in their disordered minds to appear “fit” and “caring” when they really are very far from it. And like all brood parasites, it relieves them from having to rear their own children and frees them undetected to spend their energy as they want and on what they believe they are entitled to –  to benefit none other than themselves. This is likely part of the basis for their relentless aggressive efforts to not pay child support. Don’t forget. While, they lack compassion and are guided by our unfettered aggressive drive, the parts of their brains that plot, plan, scheme and strategize work perfectly fine. And like all parasites, they lack the maturity of conscience and ability to subordinate personal needs that would prevent them from doing so.

Read more here on what causes pathological narcissism.

Pathological Narcissists Use Mimicry and Camouflage to Dupe their Hosts

Pathological narcissists like all parasites use mimicry and camouflage specifically charm, love, and manipulation to covertly target and aggressively pursue their hosts. Essentially, it is a way for their deleterious motives to go undetected. Parasites would not be very successful if they announced their true intent or, in fact, killed their host, would they? So they become very adept at not only identifying vulnerable resourceful targets but also blending in and “looking normal” so they can “feast” undetected for long periods of time. They create illusions of normalcy and use what is familiar and appealing to most including love and marriage to exploit others, mask their true intent and benefit themselves without putting in the effort to earn them. Whom do they target? Like all brood parasites, they intentionally home in on the ones most vulnerable and unaware whom they can manipulate the easiest and benefit from the most – the overly compassionate, children, trophy husbands and wives, the dedicated, the conscientious, the best life has to offer who will provide the best supply for the longest period of time.

And while the narcissists benefit, they, of course, inflict inordinate damage to their unaware targets. If detected, like the cuckoo, they just move on to the next target (e.g. nest). They know exactly what they are doing. And like all parasites, they simply do not care.

What Can We Do?

First, we must heal and learn about narcissism, narcissists and their tactics. We must learn, in our healing, how to effectively identify and raise empathetic children and teach them to use their compassion responsibly and how to recognize narcissists so they will not be vulnerable to them. If we raise narcissists (that is out of our control since compassion and lack of it are genetically coded), we have a responsibility to protect ourselves, our children and others from their parasitic tentacles. How?

By healing and managing boundaries and loving them “wisely” and reinforcing the characteristics of integrity including:

  • Honesty;
  • Compassion and Empathy;
  • Conscientiousness;
  • Humility;
  • Tolerance;
  • Trustworthiness;
  • Reliability;
  • Respect for self and others;
  • Obligation and responsibility towards self, others, and community;
  • Diligence; and
  • Morals- and ethics-based principles to guide our decisions.

Since compassion falls on a spectrum, the best we can expect is that our narcissistic children will not turn out that “bad” and have some redeeming character qualities. And our kind empathetic children will heal through us and like us, be emotionally healthy, have mutually respectful healthy relationships, not be vulnerable to the emotional predators including their own parents and siblings, and thrive. This is how we can break the cycle of intergenerational abuse in families. Read more here on the roots of intergenerational abuse.

Did the Narcissist Find Me or Did I Find the Narcissist?


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

Others as preyI received this compelling and disturbing question from a community member at the Yourlifelifter Facebook page.

“Ok, so I have seen this mentioned here many times…the point about ‘the abuser finds us, we don’t find them.’ I figured now is a good time to ask what this means, exactly? In my case, I feel like it was on me…I noticed him in a crowd, and my subtle yet repeated glances were totally intentional…I wanted to talk to him but didn’t want to approach him. So this finally got his attention and eventually he approached me. I feel like we may never have met if not for me doing that. (of course I didn’t know at first sight what and who he was, but regardless I sort of initiated our connection).

This, among other things, has always made it even harder for me to stop questioning myself…

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What Makes Being Liked, Loved, Desired, and Valued Possible?


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter
12049632_1613466202253151_7563358611981122153_nBeing liked, being loved, being desired, and being valued are not synonymous and ultimately in a perfect world we would all aspire to and achieve all four.

But is this realistic or possible in a world where we all are different people with different tastes, personalities, needs, hang-ups, disorders, neuroses, levels of compassion, likes and dislikes, beliefs, opinions, and goals?

More importantly, we all have different levels of self-esteem, our personal confidence and belief in our own personal worth and abilities to achieve joy and to keep ourselves safe. Our self-esteem drives our self-worth and self-respect and sets the stage for us to set and achieve goals. So, self-esteem is where I would like to focus today.

Our self-esteem fuels everything we do and directs how we perceive other things and people. If our self-esteem is healthy, we are clear on our self-worth. This means we rely on ourselves confidently for validation of our personal value because…

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How Living Alone and Being Single Build Emotional Health


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

“Living alone kicks us into self-benefitting actions that build the personal stamina and skills, knowledge, and abilities that allow us to become self-sufficient and self-assured, self-reliant on ourselves to bring us joy, optimal health, and the relationships that nurture our soul. Living alone allows us to have ‘skin in the game’ of our lives and to develop character through our successes we create and our mistakes that we correct. It frees us to heal and upshift our thinking so our beliefs that we are worthy of joy drive our choices not our avoidance of pain!”

Learning to enjoy living alone and being single is one of the most effective ways to build and sustain your emotional health.

th-15Learning to do so is tough. However, you are well worth the effort and here’s why.

Most of us were raised in unhealthy environments that lead to our emotional unhealthiness, neuroses, and low self-worth. We have not developed our abilities to…

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CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Get Your Better You Bundles for Good: 60 Courses and 75 Books for Under $100. Worth over $6000!!

CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Get Your Better You Bundles for Good: 60 Courses and 75 Books for Under $100. Worth over $6000!!


 Over 140 Top Personal Development Courses,

Resources and eBooks including my book,

Take Your Power Back: Healing Lessons, Tips and Tools for Abuse Survivors



Worth over $6000 for under $100.00!

25% of Proceeds Go To Courageous Kitchen Charity

Together we heal! Together we thrive!



DInline imageo you want some great practical tips and advice on how to improve your life from many top personal development experts?

You can download the FREE ebook “Change Your Life!: Experts Share Their Top Tips and Strategies for Reaching Your Highest Potential” by clicking the link below and signing up to the mailing list.

Click Here to Get the Ebook

There are many great personal development tips from dozens of authors and course creators. I’ve included my own best advice as well. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of value from the book.

The free ebook is part of the Better You Bundles for Good promotion at the end of July. There will be dozens of courses and ebooks, worth thousands of dollars, all for one low price. If you’re serious about becoming your best self, you won’t want to miss this opportunity. The Better You Bundle only lasts for 4 days so make sure you check your emails to be notified of the sale.

The best part is that 25% of the proceeds from the sale are going to support Courageous Kitchen, a charity helping refugees in Bangkok. As little as $100 per month can get a family off the streets in Thailand, so we can make a big impact with this promotion.

Here is the link for the ebook again:

Enjoy the book!

Together we heal! Together we thrive!
Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter


Register here for FREE “Change Your Life!” E-book

Dear Yourlifelifter community members,

I have great news! I will be sending you a free “Change Your Life!” e-book on July 17th that you can share with your friends and families too!

I am very honored and excited to be asked to be part of the Bundles for Good campaign that shares these amazing lessons and resources to support world-wide health and wellness.

The free “Change Your Life!” ebook will have many great personal development tips from dozens of the nation’s top self-help authors, healers, and course creators.

I’m sure you’ll get a lot of value from the free ebook that includes my own best advice as well. 

If you want a free copy of this amazing book register HERE.

I will send you a link around July 17th to download the book and other amazing resources as well.

Thank you always for your support and participating in this amazing world wide healing campaign!

Together we heal! Together we thrive!

Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter





The Five Pillars of Personal Worth, Power, and Authenticity


Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter

I would like to share these nine profound truths with you. But before I do, I would like to caution you that based on your level of cognitive dissonance and level of healing and emotional health, I guarantee they will either trigger you to partially or vehemently agree or disagree with some or all of them.

  • Aggression is not power.
  • Having money is not power.
  • Fear is not power.
  • Alleviating fear is not power.
  • Self-righteousness is not power.
  • The value of one year of experience 30 times over is not equivalent to the value of 30 years of experience.
  • Thinking you are competent does not make you competent.
  • Believing lies even by a majority does not make them true or valuable.
  • Being comfortable or familiar with an idea or a belief does not indicate its truth or value.

At a minimum, I hope these motivate you to think and…

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